Why Blindly Implementing Your Upline’s Advice Will Result to Miserable Failure (And What You Can Do About It) – Global Ad Success

Why Blindly Implementing Your Upline’s Advice Will Result to Miserable Failure (And What You Can Do About It)

As a newbie networker, it is normal and expected that you will be listening and following all your upline’s advice and guidance. Whatever strategy, system, tips, and guides they will tell you, you will be of course inclined to follow those – because if it worked for them, it should work for you too, right?

However, blindly following all your upline’s advice will not actually do you any good in the long run. In some cases, it will even lead to miserable failure. It’s unfortunate, but it does happen. If you’ve noticed, most uplines are just busy selling the “dream.” The dream of earning more income, work flexibility or financial freedom.

They’ll say that as long as you follow the process, you will become a millionaire. Or just plug into the system to earn more income. If you really think about it, all these are just vague pronouncements. It does not really contain step by step processes that can help you reach an actual goal.

In some cases, you might be taught some actual steps. You will undergo training and sessions that will prepare you to succeed as a downline. However, when it came to the implementation, things went all wrong. No one’s returning your calls/emails/messages, you get rejected outright, and even get rejected by your own friends and family!

And you know what your upline will say – it’s not you, it’s them. They will tell you that people who reject you are just losers, or that they don’t have the “millionaire mindset” as you do. Of course, you will believe them because you still want to feel good, right?

Then you’ll repeat the process and still find yourself in a state of failure. At this point, most downlines would just give up and move on to another career path. It’s humiliating and pathetic, and you might even think that your upline’s advice suck – which is true, to some extent.

However, if you really want to start over with a fresh perspective. You can still succeed as a networker. This does not mean that you should not listen to your upline, but we’re not saying you should just blindly follow him/her either. You have to discern and be open to learning elsewhere, but first:

Don’t blame your upline.

First, let’s make this clear. Blaming your upline will not do you any good. No matter how useless or misleading his advice was, just let it go. Playing the blame game will only nurture negative feelings, and as much as possible, such negativity should not be carried over to your networking business.

To start fresh and anew. Be thankful for your upline, and as much as possible, listen to their advice and just assume that they are actually useful. Give them the benefit of the doubt. For all you know, they might still be learning the ropes as well (just like you). However, you have to…

Learn to evaluate your upline’s advice.

Listening is not the same as discerning. You can always listen to your upline’s advice, but this does not mean that you should not be critical of what they are saying. Listen, but evaluate! Is evaluating the same as judging? Not quite.

Evaluating is merely tracking which strategies worked for you, and which of those don’t. This means that every step or process you take, you must keep a record of it so you can compare and contrast which of those actually worked best.

This is much like A-B testing. You implement two strategies – A and B and then record which strategy produced the best results. It might be slow, yes, but testing and evaluating helps you become more efficient as you go along.

You can also evaluate by asking yourself what worked, and what did not work. After that, you then list what you can do differently to maximize the process and strategy that was taught to you. Write everything down so you won’t get lost.

Adjust and evaluate your process constantly.

Your marketing strategy might work now, but that does not mean that it will work forever. There are trends and consumer behavior that you have to be mindful of. So once some processes and strategies are not working as they used to be, it might be time to adjust them accordingly.

How do you know if a strategy is still working or not? You evaluate your own results constantly. Again, always ask yourself – what can I do differently this time? You don’t have to implement a whole new process, you can simply tweak some parts (like crafting a different marketing message) and test if it works. If it doesn’t, tweak again and again until you get results.

All in all, this can be summed up to this: First, you have to learn and listen (to your upline), then implement the strategies, get and review results and lastly, adjust accordingly. No need to blame your upline or the people who rejected you. Just do better and improve yourself and your processes constantly.

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