What Your Upline Can’t Teach You About Network Marketing – Global Ad Success

What Your Upline Can’t Teach You About Network Marketing

In network marketing, your upline would just tell you to sell products and find prospects from friends and family to become successful. However, that is not the only way to become successful in network marketing.  Yes, you can earn residual income even without building a team or recruiting friends and family! How? One word—LEVERAGE. If done right, this allows you to attract prospects even without hosting parties, cold calling, or organizing Zoom meetings.  You don’t have to pester acquaintances or random people anymore, you don’t even have to constantly add new friends to Social Media. What do you have to do? How can you leverage it? What is this skill that your upline can’t teach you? It’s actually something we encounter every day, and that’s Facebook ads! You might be thinking about the cost. The good thing about Facebook ads is, you can set a limited budget within a day or week.  You can even start at just $5 per day. Yup, it’s the same cost as a Starbucks cup, and if you want to increase your prospects more efficiently, minimize your Starbucks visits, and invest in Facebook ads instead. It’s effective and cost-efficient!  So setting up a Facebook ad is one thing. But what will you tell people? How will you create an ad that is compelling enough to entice prospects and engage more people? There are actually just 2 types of primary ads that are great for Facebook, and these are…

1. Engagement Ads

For some reason, Facebook knows what type of posts and content would we most likely engage in in its platform. It may seem psychic, but that’s all thanks to smart algorithms. Notice how your feed sometimes shows sponsored ads about a thing that you just recently searched on Google? Yes, Facebook knows your deepest desires. And it knows everyone’s desires too! Once you boost a certain post, that would be shown to people who are most likely going to click or read it. Most likely, the people who will see your ad are those who were recently talking or searching for a similar product and service.  However, you must take note of this very important tip: don’t mention your product or company yet. The trick here is to tease a benefit or solution. It’s not about you or your product, it’s about proposing a solution and creating value. That’s because the goal is for people to get curious. When you pique their interest, they will most likely engage and even ask for more information (via comments and DMs).

2. Messaging Ads

Let’s say some of the audience are interested and they would want to know more about your offer. Messaging ads can automate the process for you! This feature allows you to create calls to actions and templates that can engage your prospects while you are still unavailable online. This is more effective if you are also doing engagement ads. Now there are many other factors that can increase your exposure through Facebook ads. You can also target your ads depending on location, gender, age, and employment/academic status. Most of all, you have to remember that the core of these ads is the message within them! In other words, you should know what to talk about and how you would approach people—even online. For that, you might need your upline or mentor for tips.

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