Top 7 List Building Blunders (and How to Avoid ‘Em) – Global Ad Success

Top 7 List Building Blunders (and How to Avoid ‘Em)

Your client list is the most important tool in business.

Since we built our list, our business has blossomed. We made our mistakes too, and we wish we had known what we share below with you.

Your list allows you to build and maintain relationships with customers so you can encourage repeat business. If you keep your customers happy, they will keep coming back to you and not your competitors. If you keep your team happy, they replicate and produce.

In this post, Andrew Draughon provides the 7 common errors people make when it comes to creating client lists.

These factors can negatively affect your relationship with potential and current customers. Andrew also lists down the different ways you can avoid these mistakes to have a solid list for your business.

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