“Multi-Dimensional” Advertising for Building a Massive Following on Facebook – Global Ad Success

“Multi-Dimensional” Advertising for Building a Massive Following on Facebook

Network marketers these days are very fortunate because they already have this much technology on their side.

In the past, everything had to be done offline.

You needed to contact and meet people personally.

Offers and advertisements were made manually.

But, with the help of social media platforms, you can now communicate with others digitally as easily as just a snap of a finger.

You can also automate your ad campaigns and reach out to a larger scale audience.

Don’t know where to start?

Well, you can stick to Facebook and build your own list of people to follow and have followers.

If you check the Ads Manager section, you will see that Facebook offers multiple options for people who want to utilize the site for marketing purposes.

Using all of the available options can be quite confusing and very expensive.

Fortunately, you don’t need all of them, you only have to stick to three very effective ad types as stated below:

Likes Campaign

Most people who are new to the marketing strategies of Facebook feel that a likes campaign is a feeble effort to advertise your business.

Even those who have employed this strategy for a while sometimes feel like they are wasting their money.

BUT – – – you need to realize that a likes campaign is meant to help you build an audience that you can follow-up with.

The people who like your ads are basically telling you that they are interested in what you have to offer.

They want to know more about your business and are potential customers.

It’s similar to building a mailing list but instead, you are using Facebook.

Content Campaign

With this method, you take things a step further and encourage people to interact with you.

After building your subscriber base, the people you interact with become your audience.

Your content can either be a blog post, Facebook Live broadcast, video, or any other material that can give value to others.

You can follow-up with the people who engage your content and establish your audience.

Lead Generation Campaign

Now that you have an audience, you need to find a way to convert them into subscribers or customers.

The lead generation campaign is where your ad takes people to a lead capture page, where you can give them something of value once they sign up and provide you with their contact information.

This is meant to get them to purchase what you are offering because they love what they see from your ads and the content you share.

You need to utilize more than just one ad campaign because you want to create a circle of connections with people as quickly as possible.

As we said earlier, it is a channel brought about by technology so why not get the most out of it to maximize your earning potential?

Moreover, people use social media for a variety of purposes that does not usually include business,

They don’t scan Facebook to find stuff they can buy.

They simply lounge around looking for interesting things people post so they can pass the time.

Using these three options offered by Facebook is what can help you build an audience of quality leads.

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