Kartra – All In One Platform – Global Ad Success

Kartra – All In One Platform

Online entrepreneurs can easily get overwhelmed with the processes and procedures of online marketing. Fortunately, there are tools and platforms that can simplify these steps. Automating your sales and marketing processes can easily attract you more leads, clients, and conversions without much intervention. 

We struggled with the ‘complication’ of online systems, especially when we started.  We did not know how to plan or prepare a funnel, or how to code a blog, or design a lead capture page — heck, we did not know really what these were. 

We needed SIMPLE, and automated as much as possible.

The good news is, that is what Kartra is all about. Kartra is an all-in-one platform for online entrepreneurs who are looking to create a personalized marketing campaigns. Everything from sales or landing pages, email campaigns, and marketing funnels can be set up with Kartra. All these can be done with just one platform – and all at a cost-efficient way. 

On a deeper level, Kartra also allows entrepreneurs to create Behavioral Adaptive Marketing (BAM). This allows the creation of personalized marketing campaigns for each type of lead. A lead who clicks on a certain link, email or video will have a customized experience. 

Kartra allows you to create a more personal marketing funnel for each of those leads, so you can effectively engage with them. Good engagement means that you established an effective means of communication with the customer. This is crucial if you want to convert leads to sales or encourage repeat purchases.

Aside from that, Kartra also helps you set up an email marketing campaign which allows you to blast emails to a large list or group of leads. Entrepreneurs who used ClickFunnels have even switched to Kartra because customized marketing funnels can be easily integrated into email campaigns and other online marketing efforts.

For us, from 2014-2016, we used a simpler system. In 2016-2019, we used ClickFunnels. In 2019, we switched to Kartra, since it was clearly suited for advanced marketing. 

Check out Kartra today to see for yourself!

To try the Kartra Starter kit, click here  

To become an Affiliate with Kartra (known as a JV Partner), click here

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