Is It Ok to “Steal” Someone Else’s Downline? – Global Ad Success

Is It Ok to “Steal” Someone Else’s Downline?

The straight answer to this question is obviously ‘NO’. It is simply unprofessional to recruit people who are already in the downline of someone else. We still need to observe the proper ethics even if we want to earn a huge paycheck and be a top producer.

Ferny Ceballos explains how you can get more people to join your downline properly. He provides different scenarios of how people can end up joining your program even if they are already under somebody else’s list. The post also gives you valuable tips on how to capitalize on the internet and social media channels to grow your business.

You can also sign up for his free 10-day course on online recruitment so you can get a leg up against everyone else as you strive to be on top.

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