How to Use LinkedIn to Rapidly Attract Prospects and Recruits – Global Ad Success

How to Use LinkedIn to Rapidly Attract Prospects and Recruits

So you’ve all heard about the strategy of using social media networks to advertise your business.

That’s well and good as it is indeed efficient to turn to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social networks to let people know what your business is all about.

BUT what most people realize is that LinkedIn is the social network they should really focus on.

One main reason – – –


Sure, LinkedIn is considered a social network.

Nevertheless, the users who sign up for an account in LinkedIn are professionals or entrepreneurs who are usually looking to improve their careers.

This is the perfect place for network marketers who want to reach out to prospects and turn their leads into sales.


Because LinkedIn is a place where business is done.

People do not go here to check on posts of food, vacation, how a person’s day went, or any other flimsy reason.

The users of LinkedIn are doing business and they joined the network to communicate with other people who have the same goals.

Since these people have a job or a business, it means that they have earned.


This also means that they have buying power so they could purchase the product or service you offer if it provides a solution that they need.


As these people are on LinkedIn to do business, it will also be easier to communicate with them and make an offer.

You can easily connect with someone and send a link to your product without worrying about being looked down upon.

Haven’t tried using LinkedIn for business yet?

Well, it’s actually pretty easy…

Here, let us give you a guide:

1. Connect

Determine your target audience and connect with them through LinkedIn.

It’s as easy as 1,2,3… LinkedIn has a platform that allows you to connect with anyone you like and vice versa.

2. Message

Once you’re connected with someone, send a short message.

This will give your connection a more personal touch and the other person will feel appreciated.

Make sure you provide a detailed message about what you offer.

You should also add something valuable for free like an eBook, webinar access, etc.

3. Follow-up

LinkedIn sends notifications about birthdays, work anniversaries, and new jobs.

Use this to your advantage and stay in touch with your contacts.

When you do, add links to your offers or invite them to sign up to your list.

4. Update

LinkedIn users can post articles, news information, or any other updates on their profiles.

This feature allows you to stay visible to your connections.

It reminds them of who you are and what you offer, so you should also be careful with what you post.

Again, add links to your offers but make sure to provide them something important.

5. Endorse

This cool LinkedIn feature allows users to endorse other users for the skills they specialize in.

It makes people feel important and it boosts their confidence every time they are endorsed for a skill.

After endorsing a contact, you can send that person a private message that includes links and valuable information.

6. Offer Value

People in LinkedIn are more open to receiving information about other people’s businesses.

Make sure to maintain contact with your connections and offer them something of value.

It must be something that can help them solve their problems or reach their goals.

LinkedIn is an amazing tool for network marketers if they know how to use it properly.

This network gives you the chance to have a targeted approach and reduces your chances of being turned down after making an offer.

Bear in mind that LinkedIn is a place for doing business so people are interested in growing their income.

With the help of Elite Marketing Pro (EMP), you can help them achieve their goals.

You can tell your connections that they can have multiple streams of income with EMP.

If you want to know more about using LinkedIn to grow your business, you should join the LinkedIn Recruiting Playbook.

There’s a small fee but it will be given to charity.

You can also catch the video we created for a more visual discussion of this topic.

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