How to Succeed in Sales Without Being Too Pushy or Aggressive – Global Ad Success

How to Succeed in Sales Without Being Too Pushy or Aggressive

A lot of people believe that they can succeed in sales if they become pushy and aggressive.

Experts in the direct sales field teach the same thing all the time:

“You need to be aggressive to succeed in direct sales”

In reality, this is wrong!

People in this business know that you do not need to be too salesy to be a successful salesperson.

Here we will share with you a 5-Step formula that has worked for us.

It will help you in enticing your prospects to take action so you can eventually have them sign up for your list, purchase a product or service that you are offering, or join your team.

We’ll also let you in on our secret on how to build opportunities for strong engagement.

What we need to realize is the fact that we are merely convincing people and not selling to them.

We do not want them to feel like we are coercing or pressuring them into something.

Those who succeed in forcing their prospects to buy can attest to the fact that the results are merely short-term and it could even hurt your success in the end.

Before learning about the formula, you need to prepare yourself fully.


Understand your audience.

Find out who you are talking to as this will make it easier for you to connect with them.

Pick an approach that is appropriate for the audience you are trying to reach out to.

Learn about what they currently understand and what they want to know.

Ensure that you make them know you are talking to them on a personal level through your message whether it be an email, blog post, or any other form of communication.

Next, you need to learn the reason why people decide to buy.

You need to realize that people only buy things or join teams for their own reasons.

Nobody really cares about how successful you are right now.

They don’t care if you make sales every hour.

You can do this if you tap into their desires and identify their needs.

Understand how your product or business opportunity can be beneficial for them and how it can improve their lives.

This will help you get that “yes” that you need to make a sale.

Now that we have that settled, it’s time to discuss the 5-step formula to make your message more compelling.

1. Use the AIDA formula

Your message should include four essential components:

A – Attention

I – Interest

D – Desire

A – Action

Your message needs to stand out all the time.

If you’re using a Facebook ad, you need to use an image or headline that will catch their attention.

For emails, it’s the subject line.

For videos and blog posts, it’s the title.

Now you need to focus on saying something interesting.

People will ignore you if you don’t say anything that they can consider valuable to them.

It’s alright to give a brief background about yourself but you should focus on what is interesting for your prospect.

Once you have that covered, you have to know the desires of your prospects.

This will help you create a message that will tell people how you can get them what they want.

Lastly, you need to ask them to take action after going through your ad or blog.

Otherwise, people will not do anything.

It’s important to guide them with what they need to do and provide the steps if necessary.

2. Write Clearly

This one seems pretty obvious.

You should always be clear when trying to communicate your message.

If not, you might get misunderstood.

Be concise so as not to create any confusion.

Write in the same way that you talk.

Remember that you are not writing to impress.

Instead, you want to express your message clearly to another person.

3. Use suspense

Create a cliffhanger that will bait your prospects to want more.

This will keep them focused on your post or ad because they want to learn more about what you are saying.

Arouse their curiosity and they will stick around until you get to the important point of your message.

4. Harness their emotions

Most of the time, people make decisions based on their emotions then justify the choices using logic.

For example, we all want to earn money because it makes us happy when we have the capability to pay for the things we want and need.

Understanding this will help you add more emotion to the way you write.

You can use highly expressive terms and words to emphasize your message.

5. Give them a reason

Once you reach their feelings, you then need to tell them why they need to take action.

If you give a reason, human nature will push a person to agree.

State why they have to sign up, buy your product, or join your team and follow it up with what they need to do.

A good example would be:

“Join now by entering your email and you will receive these benefits”


“Sign up because you can get all these good things”

Giving someone a reason will compel him to actually do something and act.

If you are able to follow these steps to the tee, then you will be able to build your business with ease.

Prospects will be the one to come to you and not the other way around.

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