How To Recruit and Sell Using Email – Six Step Process – Global Ad Success

How To Recruit and Sell Using Email – Six Step Process

If you entered network marketing because you wanted to earn at the comfort of your home, well you made the right decision.

With the help of the internet, you can reach out to people, promote your business, and ask them to join you.

Sounds easy right?


There are steps you need to know before you succeed with this.

The first thing you need to do is to create a relationship with your audience.

Build rapport so you can gain their trust.

Using technology and the internet can help you achieve this goal and you have many options; You can go with emails, videos, live broadcasts, blogs, and more.

As for us, we believe that email is the best option to build your network marketing business.


Because you can include all the other strategies by using this method.

You can send out emails to your list to include links on your website, Facebook page, videos you made, a scheduled live broadcast, and any other way to connect with your audience.

Still, you need to bear in mind that people will only want to check your email if you have credibility.

Use your emails to create a connection so you can easily build relationships with your market.

Take the time to establish yourself as a credible source for the people on your list.

Offering your product or service is the primary reason for sending emails.

However, you can’t immediately make a pitch without building trust because this will drive away from the recipient of the email.

How do you do this?

You must first determine and understand what your audience wants.

Find out what they want to hear so you can come up with something that could entice them.

Try to learn what can inspire them and use this to your advantage by inspiring them yourself.

Once you do this, people will want to join you as they believe that you can help them to be successful too.

To help you write effective emails, you must follow these steps:

1. Picture Who You are Talking To

Although you want to make a sale using your emails, you shouldn’t blatantly mention that at the start of your conversation.

You must first determine who you want to connect with and how you can inspire this person.

Think of a way to create a special bond with the person you’ll be sending your email to.

Imagine their problems and challenges.

Consider the things they want and need.

Once you have this, it will be easier to make your email.

2. Think about the Competition

The reality of life is that there are tons of other network marketers out there.

Almost everyone uses the same marketing strategies to advertise their business.

It is for this reason that you need to think about your competitors.

Find a way to stand out as you provide your audience with what they want and need.

People will not listen to what you are saying if they already heard it from someone else.

You can use your own experiences to set yourself apart and make your message unique.

3. Tell Stories

Most people find this very challenging.

And yet, it doesn’t have to be…

If you don’t know where to get a source for your stories, you can simply look back at your own experiences.

When you share something about your life, it makes it easier for people to relate with you.

You can also use other sources like books, magazines, movies, and short quotes.

As long as you can use these to make a connection, go for it!

4. Stand Out

Make your subject lines eye-catching.

Use words and phrases that will jump out as your audience goes through his inbox.

Otherwise, they will simply ignore or forget about your email.

They might even not open it altogether and your marketing efforts will go to waste.

It doesn’t matter if your email’s content is amazing if people don’t open it.

Use what you know about your readers to create a compelling subject line.

Stroke their curiosity to check your email before they do anything else.

5. Transition

This is the time where you need to establish a connection between your story and what you want to offer.

It might take some practice but it will be worth it in the long run.

You’ll have an easier time finding connections between your offer and the things you see in movies, books, TV shows, commercials, social media, or any other source.

6. Write Your Call to Action

This is perhaps the most important part of your email.

It is where you will ask your reader to either sign up, subscribe, or any other action you may ask.

The call to action must be present in all your emails.

In fact, it should be included in your first email to avoid making your reader feel like you simply baited them into something.

Make your intentions clear from the start to show that you are a credible person.

We want to be honest with you.

Writing effective emails takes a lot of time and practice.

You can’t expect to be an expert in this skill overnight.

Moreover, you need to have a substantial list of leads to make your email campaign work.

To do this, you need to know how to generate leads.

We can help you do this in our Free 10-minute Traffic Machine Webinar.

You can also learn more about the process of using email in network marketing through this video.

Be sure to join our Facebook Page and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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