How to Present the Right Image to Your Prospects with the Help of Assumptive Questions – Global Ad Success

How to Present the Right Image to Your Prospects with the Help of Assumptive Questions

Your posture dictates the type of first impression you create when you meet a person for the very first time.

If your shoulders are slumped, you appear to be weak.

Folded arms across your chest make you look reserved and secretive.

Hands-on your waist makes you look confident.

People will have their own perception of who you are based on how you act in front of them.

That is why network marketers need to be critical of how they talk and act when meeting prospects.

It doesn’t matter how good your product or services is if you don’t know how to communicate properly.

Potential customers will either ignore or misunderstand whatever it is you’re saying to them.

This will keep you from achieving your business goals.

In this article, potential clients and prospects do not refer to strangers or new people you meet.

They are not the ones you approach at malls and you don’t have to do any cold-calling.

This article is about your existing leads and how you should follow-up with them.

However, there’s something you need to realize.

Even if your leads signed up and are interested in your business, you still need to know the right words to use and how you should say it.

This is where having the right image comes in.

Your image doesn’t simply rely on how you look or act.

There’s much more to it than that.

Your total image depends on how you carry yourself when talking to people.

How do people perceive you?

Do you command respect when people see you?

Do others look at you as a shy person?

Are you brimming with confidence that you know your business can stand on its own?

If you lack the right image, people will see an entrepreneur who is desperate to get customers.

You need to project an aura that you will still strive to succeed with or without the help of the prospect in front of you.

That there are others who would be willing to do business with you.

That these potential customers are the ones who will reap the benefits if the person you are talking to says “NO”.

If you lack posture, you project an image of a needy person.

This will turn off your prospects and drive them away.

So, how can you develop your posture?

The answer lies in how you ask questions.

You need to pay attention to your language patterns so you can improve the way you communicate with prospects.

The best way to do this is by asking open-ended questions

Do not your prospects questions that are answerable by “YES” or “NO”.

Save this for when you want to confirm if they want to join at the latest part of the conversation.

Stick to open-ended questions where you can get a more specific answer.

Instead of asking:

“Can I send you an email about my business?”

You should go with:

“What’s your email address? I would love to send you more information about my business.”

The difference is that you are not giving your prospect the option to say ‘NO’.

You are not asking for permission but showing them that you have something that they will be interested in.

Another good way would be by giving your prospect the power to decide on something that is favorable to both of you.

For example…

Instead of asking:

“Can I call you this Saturday so I can discuss my business?”

You should go with:

“I would love to discuss my business with you. When’s the best time for you? Saturday or Sunday?”

Do you see?

You are giving your prospect the power to decide but his answer will still be favorable to you as well.

It all depends on the delivery.

Once you have this strategy mastered, all you have to worry about is getting those high-quality leads.

You can either stick to old-fashioned cold-calling…


Go with a more efficient method that produces high results using Facebook Messenger.

Check out the 3-Way Facebook Messenger Recruiting Scripts to learn more about it.

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