How to Make Your Logo Stand Out in the Digital Age – Global Ad Success

How to Make Your Logo Stand Out in the Digital Age

These days, almost everyone is glued to a smartphone. It is the first thing we check in the morning, and the last thing we use before bedtime. In between those hours, we constantly check and browse our messages, social platforms, emails, and web pages through the smartphone. 

The constant usage of smartphones have revolutionized advertising and branding as well. In the past decades, ads and brands are printed or either advertised on television. But nowadays, they are plastered on websites, social media platforms, emails, and apps too! 

Brands have to adapt to the mini screen too, and they have to establish their presence on smartphones – or else they will miss out on a huge chance of exposure. On average, people check their phones every 1 to 2 hours per day, the exposure is greater compared to print and television. 

However, competition is stiff. Brands and companies are always competing for attention online. So how do you make your logo stand out from everyone else? Below are a few tips:

Use pocket-sized logos.

To make logos stand out in the digital age, you have to make them responsive for smaller screens. Not just in smartphones, it should also fit screens in tablets, PCs, and laptops. So the challenge here is to make these logos work on various screen sizes. If your logo cannot scale well, your brand will lose its effectivity to communicate and resonate with consumers. 

Adapt to new systems and touchpoints.

Logos are not just a sort of brand art, it should also be a good representation of the brand too. In other words, it should convey a message and connect with its consumers personally. Nowadays, brand logos can have a more personal interaction, and it conveys a way of life for many users. Take Apple, for example, its logo is not just for brand identification, but it signifies quality and sophistication. 

Keep it simple.

Designing logos for digital screens calls for simplicity. They have to be compact, but it should still be impactful and effective. Flat designs are still preferred because they are easy on the eye and are more straightforward. 

Aside from that, the logo will easily show up – even when the user has a slow Internet speed. Animated logos or those that have sounds are heavier and slower to load, and it can affect the user’s device in many ways (like slowing down or crashing apps/programs).

Many brands have redesigned their logos to make them look cleaner and simpler. Mastercard, for example, has redefined its logo by retaining only its most recognizable elements – those two flat overlapping circles with the word “MasterCard” in a sans serif font. 

Redefining and simplifying logos would require brands to remove cluttered (and sometimes minute) lines and shapes of their logo, and retain only the most striking and recognizable feature in it.

Speak to your market.

What makes a good logo design is how it really speaks to its market. Many designers can get carried away by current design trends. If you take a look at new brand logos today, they usually carry a sans serif font. While that is okay, the problem here is that, if other brands are also using the same typography, how will yours stand out then?

A good logo design should transcend changing design trends and markets. To make it effective, it should not just be easily recognizable, but it should be able to represent the brand wholly, even if consumers will just take one look at it. 

Peter Savile, who was responsible for redefining and simplifying the Burberry logo says the brilliant thing about it is not just because it is a logo, but it transcends that. “You have to think about the core of the company to find the right answer,” he said.

Designing for the Digital Age

Designing for the digital age comes with many considerations. Aside from simply thinking about the design, the colors, and the core of the brand itself, these logos should adapt to various digital screens and be responsive enough if they are plastered on websites, Social Media, and emails. Aside from that, they don’t just have to be striking, unique or recognizable, they should also be light and optimized enough for slow Internet speeds and search engine indexes. 

Most of all, logos should carry what the brand is all about. It is not just about creating a great design, but it is also about creating a message that will resonate with the market and go beyond the design trends of the day. 

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