How to Leverage the 5 Fundamental Human Desires to Influence Your Fans & Followers – Global Ad Success

How to Leverage the 5 Fundamental Human Desires to Influence Your Fans & Followers

Once there was a small village where most people owned cows.

Almost everyone sold milk and cheese so their village was known for these products.

However, there was a man named Adam who decided to do something different.

Instead of selling the same products, he chose to open up a bakeshop and sold an assortment of bread.

Every villager came to him to buy bread to eat together with their milk and cheese.

Even the visitors to their village bought bread from him after buying milk and cheese from the other villagers.

Adam made a very smart decision and this helped him become the wealthiest person in their place.

This is how we should all think when we try to come up with business ideas.

Instead of following a trend that made others successful, we should find something that people want and need.

We have to be like Adam and give people something that will make them happier and not just settle for being content.

Eating cheese and milk is good…

BUT – – –

Eating cheese with bread and milk is better.

Sign up for our FREE 10-day online recruiting bootcamp so you can know how to identify and tap into the desires of your potential customers.

We will help you capitalize on this knowledge to help your business succeed.

You can also check out this video that we made for a more detailed discussion of this amazing strategy.

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