How To Deal With Rejection In Your Network Marketing Business – Global Ad Success

How To Deal With Rejection In Your Network Marketing Business

Life comes with many disappointments and challenges, and one of those is how to deal with rejections. All of us face several rejections in life. As kids, a parent might have said no when you asked to buy a certain toy.  As a teenager, you might have dealt with rejections from crushes or lovers. As a young adult, you may have been rejected from getting that dream job. All these are part of life, and it is only normal to feel down and disappointed when we are confronted with it.

It is also the same in business, and most especially, in a network marketing business. In fact, you may even face 10 rejections before finding 1 positive response for the business. And this is even harder to deal with because the more rejections, the lower your sales, and returns could be.

Even though it’s hard, this is only part of the usual challenges that every network marketer is facing day in and day out. If you’re a newbie, you might find it difficult to face these rejections at first – but below are a few tips to lighten the load:

1. Don’t take it personally.

When you take rejection personally, you’ll end up wallowing about it for days and weeks to come. This will prove to be counter-productive. Remember that for the most part, your prospects are not really rejecting you.

They might be rejecting the business for now due to the following reasons; wrong timing, personal bias for the company, their current mindset which is not developed for entrepreneurship yet, and so on. Bottom line is, it is not always about you.

2. Devise a new strategy.

So it is not you, it’s them. What to do now? Rethink the business and your strategies. Who is your ideal prospect? Are you targeting them correctly? Can they easily reach your business page? Are they seeing what you have to offer, and the opportunities that may open to them due to your business?

Would it be better if you reached out to them personally, or through a different approach? Lastly, try to see why your proposals did not work for certain groups of people. List down what common reasons are cited by these groups and work on how you can go around them.

So instead of thinking about the rejection itself, think of how you can make yourself better in the future. There is always room for improvement – and if you can track which methods worked for you and your prospects, then the easier it is to refine such methods. Always see and try how you can make better connections. Think of this as a long, tedious learning process instead of being missed opportunities.

3. Don’t ask “Why?”, ask “When?”

Asking yourself whys such as why you were rejected and why you aren’t successful can only give you negative thoughts and emotions. Again, don’t take rejections personally. Instead of asking why ask yourself when you can make a better proposal. When is the right time to offer your products/services? When is the right time to ask them to listen to your proposal/presentation?

If you’re targeting stay-at-home moms, for example, disrupting them in the morning just to talk about business will definitely get on their nerves. You have to pick a possible time when they aren’t too busy with kids and chores anymore, like during the mid-day when kids are still out at school, or at nighttime before they go to bed.

If your business is in the weight-loss industry, the best time to aggressively promote this is during the Holidays (especially during the weeks that lead up to the New Year). This is because, at this time, most people will likely think about how they can trim down all that Holiday fat.

Furthermore, setting a New Year resolution will be the trend by this time again. You can definitely bet on a significant amount of people who will put “exercising” or “living a healthy lifestyle” as one of their resolutions. And that will be your best chance to introduce your products/services.

Just remember that every rejection you get, tells you something. It isn’t simply a no or a closed-door of opportunity, each rejection will actually tell you what your target market is actually thinking – and what you can do about it.

Eventually, you will learn if a certain group of people should be your target market. Most importantly, you will learn when and how best can you talk to them and convince them to join your business, or try your products/services.

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