How to Build Your Networking Business with the 5 Levels of Automation – Global Ad Success

How to Build Your Networking Business with the 5 Levels of Automation

Sure, there are lots of 6 to 7-figure income earners in the network marketing field, and these people have worked hard to keep their figures up. However, for most of these people, their incomes drop when they choose to stop working or rest for days or months on end. This means that at the rate they are going, what they are earning is not really passive income – but more like compensation income.

While earning big money via networking is great, what most of us really want is to be financially free and stable. Of course, we want to have a stable stream of income – even if it means that we have to cut actual working hours on any given day. After all, you got into networking because you want to be flexible with your working hours, right?

The shortcut towards becoming flexible and financially free is to automate some of your tasks. This is the only way to maintain a good stream of income – even with minimal intervention. However, this cannot be set up in just one day, you have to go through levels of setting up your automation process before seeing any good results.

But first, let’s start with Step 0: The Very Beginning.

This is the part where you still have to get down and dirty. Everything in this step is manually done, and it requires the traditional networking skills and processes of dealing with people. Basically, you are still in prospecting mode at this level.

Gather as many people as you can at this point. Meet new people, give free seminars, presentations, or training, and gather as many leads/prospect information as you can. That includes their email, contact numbers, and social media profiles.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to be physically “out there,” you can employ the power of Social Media here (of course)! Just reach out, prospect, and try to build a small network using your personal communication and networking skills. If you have gathered a small following, you can now proceed with the 5 next levels of automation:

Automating Lead Generation

This is the first and most crucial step in networking. Generating leads is basically prospecting. You may already have a list of prospects from your manual/traditional efforts as mentioned in Step 0, but you have to level your efforts by automating it.

Automating lead generation systems can come in many forms. You can do that with sign-up forms, website, email or through Social Media pages. Personal conversations will still be needed, especially if you have to introduce yourself to people on Social Media, but once you gain a huge following, you can easily automate the lead generation process with a social media post, email or webpage that links to a sign-up form.

Create Conversion Systems

When you prospect manually, you still have to take some time to make a presentation. This is the conversion step. After hooking leads, you have to convince them to convert into a team member or customer. This is where you need a presentation.

You can automate the conversion system with so-called sales funnels or marketing funnels. The buying process there is already automated, and it already establishes a step by step process wherein the lead can make a purchase or sign up for a service.

This can also be done through a webinar funnel where you present a recorded video and lead the prospect to sign up or make a purchase with just a few more clicks on the page. You can even link this on your Facebook page or group!

Create Tracking Systems

If you have more and more leads, prospects or customers who have signed up and joined your business, it is time for you to proceed to this step. Creating a tracking system allows you to monitor or at least take note of the behavior of your leads and existing customers.

This also means that you have to track the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. See which ads or pages have produced the most leads, and which of those created the most sales, and what demographic had been converted from customer to team member. But before doing this, you must have targets in place. If the conversions are not up to the target, then some tweaks in your strategy might be needed.

Automating Training Processes

Training new team members are quite exciting, but it can eat up a chunk of your time if you personally do the training for every batch that comes in. A great way to save time and resources by automating your training process.

You can do this through an email marketing campaign that can be scheduled to send out resources and training materials on a certain day or week. An automated email campaign can be segregated by list, so you can always recycle those training emails for the new batch of members. You can also prepare email campaigns for particular members who have reached certain milestones on your networking business.

Create Business Systems

As your network grows bigger and bigger, you need a staff to manage all the affairs of the business in general, and your growing network of people. Basically, you need an administrative staff to handle general concerns and clerical work. You may even need a bookkeeper to keep track of all your expenses and accounts.

There’s no way to automate a business system digitally, you can only create a business system by hiring competent and reliable people. You may minimize your staff by using programs that can make their tasks faster and more efficient, but ultimately, you still need people who are reliable enough to be delegated with administrative tasks.

Now, these 5 steps may seem short, but it cannot be done within just 3 to 5 years. It would actually depend on your pace, but some networkers have worked for over 10 years or more before even reaching step 5. Remember that you don’t have to push yourself to level up to the next step if your team and your business is not ready. Take your time and automate processes only when needed.

If you want to automate the prospecting process for your business, sign up for our free online recruiting bootcamp.

Check out this video and learn how to build your network marketing business online, leveraging internet automation. 

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