How to Attract Hot Prospects with Webinars – Global Ad Success

How to Attract Hot Prospects with Webinars

Kate McShea left her teaching career and started a business that was already at the brink of failure by its 12th month. Realizing that she needed mentorship and coaching, she attended the No Excuses Summit (NES) with her husband. A year after that, her business had been earning 6-figure returns.

Now a  veteran networker and speaker for the NES herself, Kate shares her own strategy on how to attract total strangers to sign up for sales webinars. This includes how to establish yourself as an authority in your niche, and most importantly, how to gather registrants and prospects on the spot. Here’s how:

1. Be honest and open yourself up.

The only way to gain your prospects’ trust is to truly open yourself up and be honest about all your failures and vulnerabilities. Being honest about your failures and missteps will help you connect with prospects more because it is most likely that they’ve been there or have experienced those same mistakes too.

Most importantly, you have to share the solution that you found after those mistakes. Tell them what strategies worked for you, how did you go about it, and how did you do it differently from all the others in the field. This way, you establish yourself as a sort of trailblazer in your niche, and that you have the experience and authority to teach them those things.

2. Take note of the webinar mindset: commitment.

Unlike in websites and landing pages where prospects are usually given a time frame as to when they would decide to sign-up, the webinar route is different. In webinars, your prospects have already decided that they WANT to be in it – it’s just that they want to know or hear more about you and your business. In a way, there is already a sort of commitment from them to listen and learn from you, which takes us to the next item…

3. Make it worth their time.

Since your prospects have already decided (or at least half-decided) to know more about your offer and products, make sure your webinar is actually worth their time. Remember that there is already a level of commitment here, and people might have canceled prior plans and made arrangements just to clear up time for your scheduled webinar. The last thing they need is a canceled one!

4. Advertise on Facebook for at least 5 days.

To reach more people, the easiest way is through Facebook or Social Media ads. Don’t be afraid to harness the power of social media sharing, likes, clicks, and tags. The more people you engage with, the more prospects can come in.

5. Build your content base.

Aside from webinars, make sure your leads and prospects also have other content material that they can immerse themselves in. This includes blogs/articles, even social media posts, podcasts or even just a snippet version of one of your webinar episodes. You can use these types of content to lure your prospects to sign-up for your upcoming webinars and other offers you can come up with.

Of course, constant testing should be done once you are still starting out to market yourself through webinars. Not every strategy that worked for others can also work on yours. If McShea’s Facebook campaign was successful for 5 days, this does not mean that you don’t have to prolong or shorten your own campaign period depending on the performance of your posts/pages.

You also have to make your webinars feel “limited” to attract more registrants. For example, you can tell them that only 5 slots are left for a scheduled webinar, or that a discount is waiting for attendees on that certain day and time. This helps pique a prospect’s interest, and it can encourage them to sign up right there and then.

Find out more about how you can take advantage of webinars to gain maximum revenue by signing up for our FREE 10-day online recruiting bootcamp.

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