How to Attract Business Opportunity Leads – Global Ad Success

How to Attract Business Opportunity Leads

Leads are the main source of growth for multi-level marketing (MLM) companies. In network marketing, full participation in the lead gen process is necessary to find people to make your sales pitch to.

Establishing the Target Audience

The easiest strategy to attract business opportunity leads is to start with your warm market.

You already know these people and they are comprised of your friends and relatives. It is ok to do this but you should not only focus on your warm market. You need to work to find the right people who are willing and interested in buying the product or service you are offering.

Anyone has the ability to produce his own leads and the internet has made it easier for everyone to advertise their business online. The first thing you need to do is to identify your target market. Determine what type of person will have a higher probability of buying something from you.

Once you define your target market, find out where most of these people are found. If you simply make an offer to every person you meet, you will be wasting time, effort, and money. Be smart in using your resources to find the right people who have the potential to be your customers. You do not have to make everyone say ‘Yes’ to your offer. You just need to find the right people who want what you offer.

Your target market should be the people who have problems that your product or service can solve. When talking to people, make them feel you care about what they want and need.

Successful Methods to Generate Leads

Put up Your Own Website

Almost every person has access to the internet.

Websites make it easier for you to reach business opportunity leads anytime, all the time.

Nevertheless, you need to check the policies of your MLM Company first if they will allow you to create your own website. Some companies can create a website for you, others will allow you to make your own, and there are those that will prohibit you from making one.

In case your MLM company does not authorize you to make a website that directly sells your business, you can work around that by making one related to it. Say you sell a specific brand of mobile phones, you can make a general blog about gadgets and technology. Make sure your blog contains valuable information about you and your business.

Automated Follow-Ups

Your work does not end after gathering leads. You need to nurture the relationship you built with them and by sending follow up emails after they sign up. Your website needs to have a lead capture page where visitors indicate their names and contact details so you can add them to your list of leads. Maintain constant communication with your prospects by sending them occasional emails containing useful and interesting information. Though they may not be interested to buy now, there will be a time when your email will be the answer to their problem.

Create Valuable Content

Post articles, videos, or any other important content on your blog site. This allows you to market your business and establish yourself as an authority in a specific field. You can also use your blog as a reference when people ask you common questions.

Your blog should contain links to your other websites or an opt-in link so they can receive more information about your business. If you consistently produce valuable content, people will come back for more so you can create more business with them.

You can advertise your blogs on social media. Almost everyone has his own account on social networks and it will be easier for you to market your business if you make posts on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and other sites.

Gather Referrals

Every time you talk to a person is an opportunity to ask for referrals. This is an inexpensive yet highly efficient strategy to sell your business. There will be several opportunities when a person you talk to says ‘No’. Still, he might know someone who is interested in what you offer. You can also encourage your leads to give referrals by offering a small incentive.

Get a FREE copy of the Magnetic Sponsoring book and find out how you can be an MLM master.

Check out this video to learn how you can attract more prospects to your business. 

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