Facebook Personal Profile, Fan Page or Group? – Global Ad Success

Facebook Personal Profile, Fan Page or Group?

When Facebook was launched in 2004, the site was meant to be a social media platform where people could connect with each other.

It was used by many to post messages and pictures which allowed them to express themselves.

The website was so successful that almost every person in the world has a Facebook account today.

In fact, Facebook has drastically evolved since its inception.

Users can now use it to broadcast live video streams, play games, and more!

The website has also taken a huge step by allowing businesses and entrepreneurs to use the site as a channel to promote and perform their business.

You can use your personal Facebook profile, start a ‘Fan’ page, put up a group, or do all three simultaneously.

Now comes the question: ‘Which strategy is the best?’

Let’s go through each available option to get a better understanding:

Facebook Personal Profile

Using your own Facebook profile is perfect if you don’t have any budget because it’s practically free.

It also allows you to create exposure to people who already know who you are so there’s no more need to exert too much effort in introducing yourself.

In this regard, it also allows you to reach out to a good number of people if you already have a large network.

This also means that you can communicate quickly to people and they can ask you anything especially if they are interested in your business.

On the other hand, using your Facebook profile also has its disadvantages.

For one, it’s not scalable so your reach is quite limited.

Also, you have to do things manually as opposed to most paid ads where everything is automated.

More importantly, personal profiles are not really meant for business ventures.

If you use it to blatantly promote your business, there is a tendency for your followers to get annoyed and report your account.

They could even unfriend you and end up ignoring you even if you meet them offline.

The best thing to do is to use your Facebook profile to simply show others about your life as an entrepreneur.

Post about the seminars and events you attend then discuss some of the things you learned for others to benefit from it.

Use your profile to give the people a taste of what you have to offer and not the entire entrée.

Facebook ‘Fan’ Pages

The Facebook ‘fan’ page was specifically introduced for business purposes where you can hold transactions.

It was meant to have non-personal related fans or followers.

The best part about fan pages is that it allows you to create targeted advertising that would entice the best customers or potential teammates to engage in your business.

The Facebook page is also scalable as you can simply re-invest in a paid ad campaign that has been working for you.

It will automatically run and do the marketing for you while you do other things that can help your business.

But there is also a downside for Facebook ‘fan’ pages.

This strategy takes time to achieve your goals fully so you need to have a ‘long-term’ mentality.

Your main goal is to build a huge audience and engage them consistently.

Give them free value as much as you can and then use paid advertising to promote your business.

You need to accept the fact that this will not be an overnight thing.

As mentioned earlier, this uses a paid ad campaign so it will cost you to promote your business using this channel.

You also have to try and find out which type of ads will work for your audience.

This means that you also need to consider the learning curve before succeeding with ‘fan’ pages.

Facebook Groups

The trendy approach for both business entities and conventional Facebook users is Facebook Groups.

It’s a great way to gain more exposure and connect to more people.

The best way to utilize this option is to use your personal profile first and tell people that you will put up a Facebook group that is meant to give value.

With this in mind, you have to make sure that everything you post on the group contains something valuable.

Facebook groups are free and it allows you to interact with your members easily.

This will help you create a strong relationship with your followers where there is a sense of true connection with each other.

If you put up a Facebook group, you need to consistently active and interact with others.

Be active daily in the group you started.

But, do not simply promote your business or post your offers.

Give your group members something valuable like information or free materials (eBooks and webinar access).

Now that we know about all three options on Facebook, we ask the question again: ‘Which strategy is the best?’

The best strategy would be to do all three.

The first thing you need to do is to start a page to grow your audience.

Do your best to learn about advertising so you can use your knowledge and get results.

Use your personal profile to establish your presence simultaneously.

Then, tell your followers that you created a Facebook group where you will provide training.

Once you have everything running, you’re all set!

You can even post on all three channels at the same time.

If you want to learn more about using Facebook for your business, you can check out this video

AND – – – if you need help in building traffic, you should sign up to our FREE 10 Minute Traffic Machine Webinar.

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