Effective Script in Online Sales Prospecting – Global Ad Success

Effective Script in Online Sales Prospecting

For most of us, we ignore emails from people we do not know because we consider these as spam.  We feel annoyed by emails containing advertisements or ‘financial opportunities’ especially when we have our own businesses to take care of.

This is a common reaction when it comes to marketing emails. It is a common technique used online for sales prospecting.

In the same manner, people may ignore your marketing efforts when you send messages online through Facebook, LinkedIn, or any other social networks. You can avoid this problem, if you ask the right questions to engage with your target market.

Use this script so you can effectively prospect online:

Question #1 – What do you do?

Most people answer this question when you ask the same question. It serves as an opening to strike a conversation with someone. This also gives you the opportunity to say something about your business to give a small preview of what you do. You can then move on to the second question.

Question #2 – How will I know when I’m talking to someone who would be a good customer/client for you? I have several people asking me about X all of the time.

This question will catch the other person off-guard. Although you start by mentioning your business, you did not follow through with an offer. Instead, you are asking him/her how you can help in growing his business. He/she will be happy to continue the conversation because he/she sees an opportunity to increase his/her revenue. Follow this up with the third question.

Question #3 – How long have you been doing that?

This will help you gauge how you should proceed with the fourth question. The other person’s answer will reveal if he/she is just new to the business or if he already considers himself as an expert in his field. Or if they are a “biz-opp jumper”, who changes to a new company every three months. If he/she is a greenhorn, you can focus on changing his/her interests for your next questions. If he/she is an expert, you can try to build more rapport by asking more about his/her profession.

Question #4 – How have you primarily marketed your business in the past?

People commonly answer this question by discussing the online and offline marketing strategies they have employed. Take mental notes of his/her methods to give you a better idea of his/her personality. You can also learn quickly how well trained in marketing they are already.

You can also share your insights and experiences to show your interest in what he/she does.

Question #5 – Have you had good results with that so far?

When asking this question, take note of the people who say ‘NO’ or ‘NOT REALLY’. You can teach them something to improve their business or offer them a better solution. You can use this to offer your business.

If a person says YES or discusses how great his/her business is, take your time and listen to what he says. Move on to the next question after he/she answers.

Question #6 – Have you ever considered doing something else or are you happy with where you are at right now?

For this question, you prefer people who will answer ‘YES” or even ‘MAYBE’. It could mean the person is interested in the business you mentioned earlier or that you can provide solutions to his problems. Ask for a chance to discuss what your business can offer to them in case they are open to it. However, if they say they are happy where they are, that is great too, because you can help them where they are.

Question #7 – Are you working fulltime in your current business/job or are you involved with other side projects?

Aside from understanding how much time the other person has, his/her answer will define his/her entrepreneurial mentality. You will have a better idea of how to invite to learn how he/she will benefit by joining your business.

Question #8 – This may or may not be for you, but if I could share with you a way to get better results without interfering with your current business, would you be open to it?

The answer to this question will ultimately identify if it is the right time to close the deal. Feel him/her out and see if he/she is ready to join your business or if you need to wait. Waiting is not a loss, you can keep him/her warm and get back to him/her when the time is perfect. Distinguishing his/her problem will make it easier to raise the interest of the other person.

Question #9 – How soon do you think you can check the information?

Using ‘HOW SOON’ instead of ‘WHEN’ makes the other person establish a specific period. It pushes him/her to commit to a closer time to appease you especially if you were able to build a good relationship.

Question # 10 – Here is my number, give me a call if you have questions. What is your number so I know who is calling me?

If you were able to follow the first nine questions, you should have established a good rapport with the other person.

This should be the easiest part and it will allow you to convert them from being an online target market to an offline prospect or customer.

Maximize the mail or chat features of social networks. These give you the power to tap hundreds of people a week without moving from your seat. You just need to know what words work best, and how to deliver your questions.

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You can also check out this video to learn how you can write the most effective ad copy.


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