Attraction Marketing Bootcamp Day 9 – Google Wants to Buy Your Networking Business? – Global Ad Success

Attraction Marketing Bootcamp Day 9 – Google Wants to Buy Your Networking Business?

Key to Success

As you gain more experience in the marketing industry, you will encounter several people who will say that “the money is in the list”. Others would say “the fortune is in the follow-up”. These sound like a scam and that you are finding ways to cheat your prospective clients.

What these expressions really mean is that your success depends on a lot of your leads and prospects list. This list is highly essential that should benefit both parties. It should allow you to build and strengthen a relationship with your clients.

Learning from the Best

It’s normal for people to associate online business success with retail websites that sell different products. They tend to overlook the fact that online stores are not the ones that prosper.

The most important component of a successful online business is the subscriber base. This consists of the number of people who are registered to be members of your website. They frequently visit and log into your site.

One good example is YouTube. It was bought by Google for $1.65 billion in 2006. YouTube was only two years old at that time and it cost them $1 million a month on bandwidth alone. In fact, their advertising revenue was not enough to cover their expenses.

It didn’t seem like a good idea to pay $1.65 billion for something that costs $1 million per month. But, look where they are right now. They have over a billion visitors monthly and they are the biggest video hosting service in the world.

Another is Facebook. In 2006, Yahoo offered Mark Zuckerberg $750 million dollars to buy his site. He turned it down and said that the lowest he would accept was $2 billion.

At that time, Facebook was only earning from advertising and the paid ‘gifts’ for fellow subscribers. They were having a hard time financially and it led them to request a $25 million venture capital. Looking back, Mark Zuckerberg was not really asking too much when he negotiated with Yahoo. They now have more than 1.23 billion active users.

Subscribers Bring in the Money

You’ll notice that the successful online business have something in common. They all found ways to create a list of subscribers. This allowed them to reach out to their subscribers anytime. They could get back in touch with them repeatedly for different reasons.

The business of Facebook and YouTube is flourishing because they have a huge subscriber base. Most people have turned to things that don’t allow businesses to advertise to them. There’s the DVRs, online news sites, requests to be included in Do Not Call Lists, and satellite radios. These have made marketers desperate to find ways to promote their business.

Websites with many subscribers have many visitors every day. This gives businesses the opportunity to reach out to potential clients to create revenue.

If your site has a huge subscriber base, the business will line up to get a spot to advertise. It doesn’t even matter it doesn’t matter how much you are selling as long as you have a big following.  You don’t even need to have the same resources or capital on Facebook and YouTube.

It’s possible to monetize the list you create with this process that we shared with you. You don’t even need to reach a billion subscribers for your website then sell it to Google. This boot camp was made to tell you how you can build a list of a few thousand loyal subscribers. This will be your constant cash cow and give you additional income apart from your network marketing business.

This method even allows you to earn money from those who decline to buy your product or join your business opportunity. You have the potential to earn a few hundred dollars whether people say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to your offer.

Fundamental Factors to Consider

You don’t have to wait for Google to buy your website. Even with just a handful of subscribers, you can already start to make a profit. You just need to remember these vital components:

  • Constantly give valuable content to your newsletter subscribers
  • Establish yourself as an authority in MLM or home business. This way, your subscribers will recognize your expertise and consider you a leader.
  • Provide a solution to the problem of your subscribers. Make sure you consistently give value whether or not your subscriber says ‘Yes’ or ‘No’

If you follow these, your subscribers may not leave quickly thus opening an opportunity for them to buy your product or join your business. It was what led to the success of YouTube and Facebook. They kept the subscribers around until they figure things out. Eventually, everything worked out for them.

Fortunately, you don’t have to take as many risks. You also don’t have to wait long just to enjoy success. Get a copy of the Attraction Marketing Formula now and start learning what you need to be an online success.

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