Attraction Marketing Bootcamp Day 2 – A Knock at the Door – Global Ad Success

Attraction Marketing Bootcamp Day 2 – A Knock at the Door

Reading Your Prospect’s Minds.

Today, you can learn about how you can use Google, Facebook, and YouTube to determine who is ready to buy your product or join your program.

Ferny Ceballos shares the story of his cousin Jimmy where he woke up one Saturday morning because there was somebody knocking on their door. When he opened the door, he saw a salesman offering frozen meat products.

Jimmy said the salesperson was snappy. He smiled and talked confidently just like a typical salesman should. Jimmy was still feeling sleepy because he just woke up so he couldn’t really pay attention to what the salesperson was saying even if he wanted to. In reality, Jimmy actually wanted the salesman to leave so he could go back to sleep. However, the salesperson had a rebuttal for all his excuses.

Jimmy’s wife, Margarita, was also awakened by what happened. She went to check on her husband who had been gone a while and saw that Jimmy was trying to get rid of the salesperson but he couldn’t. Finally, she asked, “Are the steaks kosher?”

The salesman said they weren’t so Margarita quickly quipped, “I don’t want them.”

Because of this, the salesperson spent a lot of time and effort that could have been used instead for other opportunities that are profitable. In the end, the salesman wound up irritating Jimmy and his wife because he woke them up on a Saturday morning.

This is a perfect example of the common mistake most business owners commit when it comes to marketing. The salesperson was going door to door hoping to be lucky enough to find someone who would buy the steaks he offered. Instead, he should have studied his market first before offering his products.

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If he did his homework, the salesman would know if the owner of the house would be interested in his frozen meat goods. He would have found out that he would be talking to a Jewish family who only ate kosher meat. All he did was to use the ‘shotgun’ approach in the hopes of finding someone who would buy his product. The salesperson could have just used his time and effort to talk to another resident who might actually buy from him. Who knows, Jimmy’s next-door neighbor might have been planning to hold a barbecue party that weekend.

Identifying the Right Customer for Your Business.

The best way to market your business is by studying your target audience first. You have to determine who would genuinely be interested in the products, services, or business opportunity you offer. Who would be the perfect customer for your business? Doing so will help you save a lot of time and money.

Most businesses fail because they believe that their target audience includes everyone. You may end up not getting any customer at all if you do this. Focus your efforts on marketing to the right people who have an interest or need for your business. Once you determine the wants and needs of your market, you can create a stronger connection with them. This can help you attract customers and entice repeat business with them in the future.

Come up with a detailed idea of the right type of customer for your business. Put yourself in their shoes so you can have a concrete idea of their wants and needs. To do this, you can answer these guide questions:

  • What are their problems that you can solve?
  • What questions of theirs can I help answer?
  • How can you relate or connect with them?
  • What makes your business stand out?
  • Why should they care about you or your business?

Establishing a Pre-Filter.

After you answer these questions, you will have a solid internet marketing campaign set up to target the perfect audience for your business. You can build your pre-filter that will help you eliminate the people who are not interested in buying from you. This can help you avoid pointless expenditures and disappointments. You also don’t have to pester people to listen to you and end up infuriating them instead.

This is readily available in online marketing. It’s pretty simple and cost-effective. Search engines and social networks provide certain features for internet marketing. People usually go online because they are looking for answers. These searches give Google, Facebook, and YouTube an idea of their interests and buying tendencies. You can utilize these platforms to learn what these people like.

Get instant access to the Attraction Marketing Formula to learn more about this now.

In online marketing, you can create a marketing campaign to come up with the most suitable online questions for your business. This can help you determine the perfect target market for your business and disregard the others. You can also get feedback that is essential for the growth of your business.

As soon as you identify the right customer for your business, you can start earning serious money.

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