Attraction Marketing Bootcamp Day 1 – Let’s Get You Started! – Global Ad Success

Attraction Marketing Bootcamp Day 1 – Let’s Get You Started!

‘Shotgun’ Marketing vs. ‘Sniper’ Marketing:

Find out how you can capitalize on your marketing strategies to gain maximum revenue for your network marketing business. Our good friend Ferny Ceballos shares the most effective ways to sponsor the right kind of people you want to join your team. A great example he gave is how you have two options in sending out a wedding invitation to your aunt.

The first option is by first checking her interest in attending your wedding. You then look up her address or ask for it and send a self-addressed stamped envelope with an invitation to her. The other option is by spending a lot of time and money to print our thousands of copies of the invitation for your aunt and hiring an airplane to fly all over the city while dropping invitations hoping that she gets to see at least one copy.

Obviously, the best choice would be the first one. However, most people go with the second option when it comes to network marketing. They use the ‘shotgun’ approach where they advertise or talk to hundreds of people yet get only one to ten sign-ups. Too bad this is the only marketing strategy they know. Many networkers and business owners do not realize that this is not the most effective method of marketing. Just like a shotgun, its shot cannot reach a long-range.

The majority of networkers resort to sending a barrage of invites to the people they know. They focus too much on their warm market and end up annoying their relatives, families, and the people they know. They spend so much effort on conventional advertising strategies like sending out emails and flyers producing minimal to no positive results.

The Disadvantages of Traditional ‘Shotgun’ Marketing.

Almost everyone has access to and uses the internet. If you don’t use it for your business, you will get left behind. Don’t wait for the moment when you become a mere spectator of your competitors as their businesses thrive.

Each person is registered in at least one social media network where he can see different ads and posts of various businesses. People prefer digital video recordings so they can watch movies and TV shows without being bothered by commercials. They also listen to satellite radio and catch up on the news from online sites. Many people also ask to be put on the ‘Do Not Call’ list as they consider it an inconvenience when telemarketers reach out.

In case your ad does reach a certain audience, you can’t be certain that they will be interested in what you have to offer. Most of the time, they don’t even care to listen to what you want to say.

You need to realize that the traditional methods of networking and marketing have continuously proven to be ineffective despite being overly expensive. It did work in the past but you need to be open to adapt and adjust your marketing techniques. There are newer and more efficient means of networking that you need to take advantage of now.
What’s painful is that most people recognize this mistake but they don’t do anything to change the situation. They spend thousands of dollars and earn only in the hundreds. These people are afraid of using a different approach because they are ‘not used to it’ or ‘uncertain of the outcome’.

Fortunately, there is a solution that only a privileged few know about and are using. This small group of elite network marketing professionals is using the internet to generate leads, recruit, and sell their products or services. They are the ones who recognize how much a business can improve by going online. In fact, Ferny cites that over 50% of all retail in the US economy has gone online last year.


How Can Online Marketing Help You?

If you are in the network marketing industry, you need to start marketing online. Otherwise, your competitors will out produce you who are using the internet to conduct their business. They can end up taking your downline from you without you even noticing what happened.

Ferny does not mean that traditional marketing no longer works in totality. Nevertheless, there is a specific venue for it. To get the most out of your business, you can use traditional marketing as a supplement to your online marketing efforts.

In the example of sending out a wedding invitation, the option of hiring an airplane is similar to traditional marketing. You can never be certain who will receive your invitations. You don’t know if they are the right people and if they would be attracted to your business. You will also be unable to determine their tendencies and interests. You’ll just end up spending way too much on ads that won’t give you the returns you desire. You don’t need to suffer the same consequences. Go for a ‘sniper’ approach instead by using online marketing. Your networking efforts will be more accurate and proficient saving you more time and money.

In online marketing, you don’t go around advertising to everybody. You pick the ones who have an interest in your business and market to them. This way, you avoid unnecessary expenses. You only reach out to people who have shown interest in your product or service.

This can be done by simply using Google, Facebook, and YouTube. These sites have features to help you determine who is interested in what you offer. The interest of their visitors is identified by the searches they make and the links they click.

Building Your Online Attraction Marketing System.

Imagine marketing as a funnel. You start on the top by reaching out to a large number of people who have shown interest in the product, service, or opportunity you offer. Then, you clarify them further as they go deeper into the funnel. Most of the time, you don’t even have to do much as the prospects qualify themselves for you.

The people who reach the bottom of the funnel are the most interested in purchasing your product, buying your services, or paying for the opportunity you offer. You can do this automatically without excessively spending by using an easy-to-use ‘attraction marketing’ website.

We’ll also teach you how to make your potential prospects pay whether or not they join your marketing business. You don’t have to shoot a shotgun and hope you hit your target. There’s no need to send a thousand invitations without certainty that your aunt will get a copy.

The best part about this boot camp is that you can find out how you can make people want to be a part of your business. They will salivate to join your program. You can discover this in the next 10 days as you learn about the Attraction Marketing Formula that only a few of the ‘elite’ group are aware of. This will help your online marketing beat the other network marketers who are not fortunate enough to have this opportunity.

If you prefer to skip the basics and get a detailed lesson on attraction marketing, you’re welcome to sign up for our FREE 10-day Online Bootcamp.

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