Are You Killing Your Conversions with This Fatal Marketing Mistake? – Unfocused Marketing – Global Ad Success

Are You Killing Your Conversions with This Fatal Marketing Mistake? – Unfocused Marketing

Remember when you were a kid? The time when your dad told you that he would take you to the toy store and you can pick any toy you like as a gift?

I’m pretty sure as a kid you felt a burst of excitement and on your way to the toy store, you were already thinking of what to get.

A toy car… A doll… An action figure or perhaps a robot?

Upon reaching the toy store, your excitement starts to shake then you start to have mixed feelings. You become CONFUSED.

You start to get overwhelmed by so many options in front of you, that you couldn’t decide which toy to pick.

Today, even as adults we are constantly presented with these types of situations all the time.

There are too many smartphones to choose from.

Too many burger options at fast food joints.

Countless choices at clothing shops,  different brands, different styles.

It gets very confusing.

This is why when you plan to start a business, you need to decide, you must FOCUS on one particular product or service. Often, it doesn’t matter if you have the best goods/services if they can’t decide you might end up losing them.

Keep your target market from being confused, and your sales conversion will increase.

You want your prospect to know exactly what you offer, and why he should buy it.

Focus all your efforts instead on that particular product/service, and make it the best option.

Unfocused marketing can lead to scattered attention.

Although you may catch the interest of many, you may not catch enough interest for people to buy.

They will see your initial offer BUT they will also be overwhelmed by other stuff.

It will confuse them and keep them from making a quick decision or worse, they will back out.

The best move is to focus on what you are good at and take advantage of your strength.

If you do this correctly, you can turn your leads into sales immediately.

There’s a wide array of ways you can market today.

You can use ads, TV and radio commercials, social media platforms, email outreach, live feeds, videos, and more.

You can use any of these channels according to their benefits.

BUT, you need to pick which one is best for your business, and identify the ones you don’t need.

You can make it easier for your prospects to decide to buy if you use simple methods.

This can be done by providing a single call-to-action.

The prospect may buy something, sign up for a webinar, subscribe to newsletters, anything at all.


People who opt-in already signify their interest in doing business with you.

You can capitalize on this knowledge and encourage them to buy from you.

Learn about the Attraction Marketing Formula if you want to learn more about focused marketing.

You can also watch our video discussing this important topic here.

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