Angel Fletcher and Ryan Higgins on Recruiting with Facebook Groups – Global Ad Success

Angel Fletcher and Ryan Higgins on Recruiting with Facebook Groups

Facebook is arguably the biggest and most popular social media network in the world today.

As of the 4th quarter of 2017, the registered users of Facebook has reached a staggering number of over 2.13 billion.

That’s practically 1/3 of the world’s population.

Imagine if you are able to maximize Facebook to market your business.

You can potentially create a business with millions of people, thus helping your business succeed.


You need to know the right strategy to employ.

This interview features top earners Angel Fletcher and Ryan Higgins, who share their expertise in using social media for network marketing.

Learn about the most effective methods you can apply for your business — and know which ones you should avoid.

Check out this video and learn how you can make the most of Facebook.

Sign up for our FREE Social Retail and Enrollment Blueprint to know how you can maximize social media for your business.

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