How to Manage a Team Properly – Global Ad Success

How to Manage a Team Properly

Most people connect growth with stress. When we get older, we become more stressed because we have more responsibilities. This is also true for network marketing.

As your business grows, the size of your team gets bigger and your revenue becomes larger. That’s when it becomes easy to relate growth to stress. When this happens, you are faced with the risk of self-sabotage and you start to feel not wanting to receive more work or responsibilities.

To avoid this scenario, it helps if you have a team handy to work around with. You want to continue growing and strengthening the team as the business grows, do that and you will feel stress-free in no time. This is possible if you manage your team properly.

Stop Trying to Learn How to Motivate Your Team

Stop trying to find ways to motivate your team. Instead, focus on what you can change about yourself to inspire them. If they see that you are reaping the benefits of your hard work, they will find ways to enjoy the same rewards.

Accept that Some People Settle

Recognize that some people are okay with staying at where they are right now. It’s important to identify the potential of a person but know which ones are content with what they have. When you push people to improve and they are not open to it, they will not say anything and just leave. If you make them feel good, they will stay with you until the end.

Say you get one guy to sign up. That’s great because you made a sale. However, do not get too hung up if that person does not bring in huge profits to your company. If you force him, there’s a big chance that he will be turned off and go somewhere else. Note that most top earners with large teams can attribute their success to about 5 people. You can lose people who could earn revenue for you when you push them too hard.

Know Your People

Look at yourself as a story maker who can guide people through their journey. See people where they could be and not where they are. Get to know your team members by asking them questions, spend time by sincerely asking how their day is going or how’s the family and build rapport before you go with the official matters. Identify their motivation for joining your team. Ask what they want in life, what gets them going, what are their personal and professional goals and if they are open to feedback. Likewise, be transparent to them and let them know that you are too.

Don’t assume that everyone wants to be a top earner. By knowing your team better, you will know what drives them to be the best.  If a team member says he wants to be a successful network marketer, check if he is open to coaching. If he says yes, he can be one of the best performers on your team. Ignore the pessimistic team members and focus on those who have the potential do better. There will always be someone willing to persevere to reach the top.

Educate Your Team

It’s common for the down-line to come to his up-line when there’s a problem. The upline usually takes the time to answer all the questions and concerns of his downline because he believes this is the right approach. This is not an effective way of handling your team.

It’s best to create reusable resources such as audio, video, articles, PDFs, and other tools to answer the questions that are commonly asked by your downline. You can also refer them to other people’s content. This allows you to direct people to the answer whenever the same question is asked. It also allows your down-line to refer your tool to other people if necessary. The best part about having reusable content is that you become an authority on the subject and your answers are given more importance.

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