Useful Tips to Improve Your Prospecting Skills – Global Ad Success

Useful Tips to Improve Your Prospecting Skills

Like most businesses, recruitment is integral to the success of network marketing. You need to invite the right people to join your team, and then find ways to help them aim for the same goals that you and your team have.

If you do not know how to recruit people, your revenue influx likely will be minimal, and this could lead to a variety of problems for your business.

Possessing the right prospecting skills is beneficial in recruitment. Having a popular brand name or a huge following can certainly help in enticing people to join you. However, this is not a requirement. There are other means to encourage others to join your network.

Below are some ways to enhance your prospecting skills:

Remove the Fear

Most people are afraid of talking in public. They find it hard to collect themselves, so they can discuss their business plans with others. Instill in your mind the will to work until you reach your goals. Do your best despite facing challenges. Know that there are people out there who have the same problems and yet are able to succeed.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Recognize the fact that you will not be able to close everyone. Instead of trying hard to make everyone join your business, go for those who are right fits and those who are open to the opportunity you have for them.

Invest in becoming the best prospector by gaining as much knowledge as you can. Buy educational materials like videos and eBooks, attend seminars or courses, and get in touch with network marketing gurus. Be ready to spend time and energy to learn.

This can also be aided by learning Attraction Marketing, so that you get qualified prospect reaching out to you.

Don’t Bother About the Results

It is okay to receive several NO’s because it paves the way to success. The more NO’s you get means you are talking to several people. When you talk to more people, you have a higher chance of getting more YES’s.

Bearing this in mind, learn how to ignore the outcome of your prospecting efforts. Don’t worry about what other people will say or think about you. If you are nervous, you are projecting an energy that you are uncertain about. This could damage your credibility and people will not be enthusiastic about joining you.

By maintaining your composure, you emulate an image of authority. It will be easier for you to manage the energy and control the flow of the conversation. If you do not bother about the results, you get more confident about facing new people.

Learn How to Communicate with Prospects

You should be able to identify your target market. First, there is your warm market. These are the people whom you already know or have previous associations with like friends and family members. If they respect you and you have a good relationship with your warm market, almost anything will work. It does not matter what script you use, they will consider joining you because they like you.

In some cases, your warm market doubts you and your skills. They do not see you as a figure of authority, and they do not believe in you. To recruit these people, focus on the product or service you are selling. It seems more natural to discuss the product rather than establish a stronger bond with your negative warm networks.

Then there is the burnt market. These are the people who do not respect your capabilities as a network marketer. They are generally pessimistic and skeptical about almost everything. They will usually ignore whatever it is you can offer, even if you mention that it can be beneficial to them. For these people, avoid opening up about your business. Instead, mention something about your product or service.

You need to be conservative in your efforts when it comes to the burnt market. Get them engaged by stating that you know they will not be interested in your business. Follow this up with a statement saying that they “might” like the product even if they are not interested in your business. In case you raise their interest, provide them with a tool (handouts, article, website, or video) discussing what your product or service offers. It’s inherent in most people to prove others wrong, so they could eventually say that they are interested in learning more about your product.

The last type is the cold market. These are the people that you do not know at all and have never been introduced to in the past.

Since we were young, we have been taught to avoid strangers. This manner of upbringing is what has kept us from being comfortable in facing new people. We are afraid of them, so we usually avoid talking to strangers.

We need to know that there’s a lot of benefits from prospecting cold markets. Aside from being abundant in numbers, these people do not know you so they cannot judge you quickly. The background is not important for both parties so you can project whatever personality you like and vice versa. You can also savor the fact that you do not have to see them again if they do not agree to join you. Most of all, talking with new people gives you a great opportunity to hone your skills.

In cold market prospecting, capitalize on the opportunity to talk to someone you do not know. Aside from having the chance to earn money, find ways to make an impact on his/her life. You might be able to solve a long-time problem that he/she has or help them make their life better sharing your insights.

When pitching your offer, be ready to put a stop to the conversation with simple statements. You can tell the other person that you need to attend a meeting or pick up your child from school. This allows you to collect the necessary data and gather your thoughts before discussing your offer in detail.

Raise the interest of your prospect by asking if he/she is open to something that will not interfere with whatever he is doing. Instead of using the word “interested”, it is better to use the term “open” since it depicts a person’s eagerness to try new things.

If you do not have the confidence to talk to new people, you are missing opportunities to grow your business. Take advantage of your shyness by starting your pitch with a request. Ask them to refer to someone who might be interested in your business. In case the person you are talking to shows interest, probe and then ask if you could send him/her a tool for their referrals. This method also eliminates the anxiety of being rejected since you never targeted them in the first place.

Make your target market know that you are actively looking for people who are interested in joining your business. If they respond negatively to your invite, it is fine. You can go on to the next one. When you receive positive feedback, tell them it is time to join because they already know that they will fit your business.

You can find more tools to develop your prospecting skills here.

Watch this video to learn about WHAT NOT TO DO WHEN PROSPECTING.

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