How to Promote Your Business Without Advertising – Global Ad Success

How to Promote Your Business Without Advertising

For years, banners and pop-up ads have been the common method used to advertise a business. The flashier your ad is, the more you are noticed. Unfortunately, being noticed is where most ads end. People tend to ignore, avoid, and even report to website owners advertisements that are too glaring. Consumers are turned off by online ads that make them feel like they are being forced to purchase a product or service.

Especially on social media, people are not interested in splashy ads.  They are interested in being entertained.

The AttractionMarketing (previously known as Elite Marketing Pro (EMP)) system provides you with some of the best online marketing opportunities.

Even if you are a novice at online advertising, EMP can help your business earn while you are still learning the process. EMP will consistently guide you to help you reach or exceed your revenue targets. Once your business is stable, EMP can also teach you to make your own product or market other things and disengage from the EMP system once you learn the skills.

Follow these useful tips to help you promote your business without using conventional advertising techniques:

Tip #1 – Pick the Best Spot

Banners are commonly found on the left or right sides of websites. However, recent studies have proven that people subconsciously avoid looking at these areas because people know it used for ads. Instead of catching the attention of people, the banner is ignored and potential customers are not enticed to opt-in. You miss out on gaining leads which means you miss out on a chance to increase your profit.

What you need to do is to place your call to actions in the middle of the page. This rule applies to all sites as people are more focused on what is in the middle of the page. Nevertheless, this does not mean that you should remove the banners on the sides of websites. Some people still click on these ads and register for whatever you offer, so you want to capitalize on whatever tool you can use.

Tip #2 – Put a Mask on Your Ad

Facebook is one of the most visited websites by people all over the world. Because of this, businesses have collaborated with Facebook to allow them to advertise their services or products to customers online.

Initially, Facebook users encounter ads on the news feeds just like the standard posts of people they followed. Some marketers abused this feature and flooded Facebook with ads that bothered many people. Users eventually complained and reported the ads even the rules of posting on Facebook were being followed.

You need to find a way to market on Facebook without looking like an advertisement. This is done by resorting to an age-old method of advertising that has been used even before the internet was introduced. Just like in magazines, use articles to engage with the readers. Include content that will encourage them to buy the product or service your business offers. Posting these on the news feed will make your ad look like a normal post.

Stories and entertaining posts are the way to draw in people. EMP teaches how to use the best techniques for making ads.

Tip # 3 – Focus on Content

Remember, most people despise ads, so you need to give them valuable content first before asking for anything in return. Flashy ads rarely get things done and banners are commonly ignored.

The best strategy is to lead the readers to an article filled with great content. They should not be taken to a page that simply asks them to register or an online banner that invites them to purchase. Doing so can push customers to click on the back button and even file a complaint about your post. Take your readers to the content they want to see, and give them more value than they expected to find. Readers will ask you for more if you can provide the true value.

Tip # 4 – Point to the Right Direction

Include your offers in the content body itself. Use hyperlinks to incorporate your website or product in the article. You can also add an invitation at the bottom of the page to visit your site and register to gain additional information. They can either opt into your newsletters or join your training sessions.

If the content you initially provided is valuable to them, they will see you as a good source of information. Once you have their trust, it will be easy to ask for their contact details. Point your readers in the right direction and let them know how you can help them.

After they opt-in, make an offer for something more valuable. You should also send a quick follow-up email discussing the valuable information you want to give them and remind them of your offer. If they make a purchase, over-deliver and if possible, make another offer. If they buy your second offer, over-deliver on that product or service and if possible, offer a third one. You can do this repeatedly as long as you are offering something that is truly valuable to that is truly valuable.

To find out more about online marketing, visit this link and learn other ways to promote your business without using advertisements.

You can also watch this video to learn how you can be a top online marketer.  

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