Curt Maly Reveals Lessons Learned from Getting Banned from Facebook – Global Ad Success

Curt Maly Reveals Lessons Learned from Getting Banned from Facebook

We have all been guilty of it…


You don’t actually have to be in the network marketing industry to earn the ire of your Facebook friends.

Even if you don’t post promotions of products or services on your feeds, some people might find your posts bothersome.

It could be due to various reasons such as flooding, over-sharing, contradicting opinions, or any other cause.

If you only use Facebook for social purposes, you don’t have to worry too much about how you use the site.

However, if you use it for business, you need to be careful.

Otherwise, you might get banned from the site and you will lose an amazing tool for marketing.

Just ask Curt Maly.

He is one of the biggest names when it comes to social media marketing.

His biggest weapon?


BUT…he was once banned from using Facebook and it hurt his marketing efforts dearly.

Watch the exclusive video we created and learn how to use Facebook properly for marketing. 

You should also sign up for our FREE training on the Social Retail and Enrollment Blueprint to learn the effective use of social media for network marketing. 

Be sure to join our Facebook Page and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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