How to Use the Time-Tested “PAS” Social Media Post Formula for Attracting Red-Hot, Ready-to-Buy Leads – Global Ad Success

How to Use the Time-Tested “PAS” Social Media Post Formula for Attracting Red-Hot, Ready-to-Buy Leads

If you think that the “PAS” formula only came about in the Social Media age, then you’re mistaken. This technique which stands for Problem-Agitate-Solution had been used to reel in potential customers and ready-to-buy leads for over a hundred years. Its effectiveness is undisputed, it became twice as powerful today because of Social Media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

Like any other marketing strategy, you have to learn how to master the “PAS” formula. First, you have to identify your target market – which would be quite easy if you know your product well. For example, if you are selling a product that can help in weight loss, then you’d know that you have a huge target market already. You don’t even have to convince most of these people to lose weight – because losing weight is on their minds already, you just have to show them an efficient way to do it.

Once you post this up on Social Media, many will raise their hands in interest. If done right, your post could even earn more organic engagements (such as likes and shares). But first, you have to learn the fundamentals behind “PAS.”

1. Problem

This is where most networkers and marketers make mistakes. Some offer a solution right away without defining or discussing the problem on their posts first. Remember that in Social Media, you are not exactly talking to just one person, but to a group of people. And in order for them to fully relate with your solution, you must let them know that you understand their struggles and problems.

Defining the problem is also a chance for you to tell a good story of success and increase engagement among potential customers and leads. You can start by sharing your personal experiences and how you have carried the burden yourself for quite some time. It piques their curiosity and fosters a relationship because they would know that what they are going through is being recognized – and that their questions and concerns might be finally given attention.

2. Agitate

Of course, stating the problem is just the first part of your ‘story.’ The part where you discuss how this problem affects your day to day life and the lives of your hot and potential leads are called ‘agitate.’

In this stage, you discuss how the problem has an impact on one’s life and how it can be inconvenient when nothing is done about it. Like going back to the example of losing weight – you can say that doing nothing about weight loss will cause health and medical issues. It is not merely an issue of self-esteem and confidence, but choosing to lose weight is also a huge step towards living a healthier lifestyle.

3. Solution

The last part is very familiar to you, of course. This is where you finally present the solution – your product to a group of ready-to-buy leads. You may also tell them that you have ‘discovered’ the solution by trying it out yourself.

However, there is a catch. For those who are into network marketing, it is best to not just simply present the solution (or product), but you have to craft your post in a way that your target market will be inclined to reach out to you personally. Don’t pour out all the information on your post, make sure that it will still leave them with a bit of curiosity to find out more about your offer by reaching out to you in a more personal way.

If you can, try to automate the engagement process of your campaign. This means that whoever engages with your post or sends you a message inquiring more about it will get an automatic reply that will give them more information about your services/products. You can even include your presentation so that by the time you personally go over the messages, you and your prospects are only left to discuss burning questions and clarifications.

So before you post something on Social Media, make sure you review your content first – did it state the problem correctly? Will your audience understand and relate to the problems and situations that are presented in the post? Does it tell them about a possible solution? Will it pique their interest and make them reach out to you? If you answered yes to all of that, then you’re ready.

Learn more about using social media to your advantage by signing up for our FREE Social Retail and Enrollment Blueprint training. 

You should also watch this video to learn how you can make the most of your Facebook account if you are in network marketing.

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