The Only Way You’ll Ever Build a Money-Making Home-Based Business… – Global Ad Success

The Only Way You’ll Ever Build a Money-Making Home-Based Business…

Do you think that your low sales and inability to recruit new team members are a product of someone interfering with YOUR efforts? Are you constantly blaming other people for your own failures? Is it your sponsor’s fault? The product’s fault? The company’s fault?

It’s easier to blame others for your own failures – most people do.

We did that with our first company, where our “Super-star” upline was supposedly going to help us explode our business, and she never showed up. It was easy to blame her, because she had broke her promises to us. 

But on the other hand, looking back, this was our business.  So who is really responsible for our business?  Yeah…. us…. 


It’s easier to say things just weren’t “meant to be” than it is to actually put in the effort required to make things happen. It’s easier to follow the crowd than it is to find your own path –but who said building a successful MLM business was easy?

Sadly, over 95% of all networkers quit the MLM industry within their first year. They see little to no results, get frustrated, start pointing fingers (mainly at their upline or their company), and end up making some excuse or other for quitting.

We hate to break it to you, but it takes hard work and perseverance to join a business opportunity, build an online presence, brand yourself as an expert or trusted partner, earn the public’s trust, and close enough sales to earn that extra $500-$1500 every month so you can start paying your way out of debt and achieve financial independence.

If you want to build a profitable home-based business, you have to realize that each and every failure –and therefore, every success– is a product of the things YOU do and who YOU are.

Take OWNERSHIP of your own mistakes instead of looking for someone or something to blame. Look to see how you can learn and grow from your mistakes.

The moment you take CONTROL of your life and your MLM business is the moment you’ll stop making excuses and start finding solutions!

If you are having trouble closing, because you’re uncomfortable asking people for their money, read Dani Johnson’s Closing Script book. Dani really helps with that mindset and skill-set. 

We also have a free resource for you: 

There is a better way. You can discover the secrets to creating an ongoing flow of red-hot and ‘ready to join’ leads… and explode your network marketing organization.

  • How to attract and recruit an army of people into your Network Marketing business without so much as picking up the phone.
  • How to use the internet to put an end to rejection and frustration, and sponsor people with ease.
  • How to use email to automatically grow my prospect list, build relationships, and fatten my bank account… all in one fell swoop.
  • The BEST way to filter out tire kickers and lookie-loo’s and get serious people to look at and join my business.
  • How to add brand new streams of income to my existing Network Marketing business… even from people who don’t join you.

Get Your Free Attraction Marketing Bootcamp. 


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