4 Steps To Turn LinkedIn Into A Recruiting Machine For You – Global Ad Success

4 Steps To Turn LinkedIn Into A Recruiting Machine For You

Recently, we shared an interesting article and video that discussed how you can turn LinkedIn into an effective tool for recruitment to grow your business.

Network marketing has changed a lot over the past decade.

Those who have been in the industry since the beginning recognize this truth and realize that they need to adapt to the changing times in order to keep up with the competition.

Technology plays a big part in the network marketing business and we need to find a way to capitalize on this tool.

A lot of people are now turning to the internet and social media to find prospects.

They usually make use of the more popular social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

That is well and good because these sites have a lot of registered users.

However, you need to realize that people do not usually log into social media sites looking to buy something.

They usually want to “socialize” or look for posts that will amuse them.

On the other hand, people who join LinkedIn know that this site is mainly used for business.

This means that they are usually open to doing business on this site.

A recent study has shown that 80% of B2B leads have originated from LinkedIn.

People are able to find and switch jobs because of LinkedIn.

It’s an awesome place for people who are involved in direct selling.

Consultants and direct marketers can benefit greatly from LinkedIn as people on the site are open to doing business.

Here, we will discuss the 4 steps you can do to make LinkedIn a great source of recruitment for your business.

Check out this video we prepared to help you be a top recruiter on LinkedIn.

You should also sign up here for our FREE training on how you can maximize social media to grow your business. 

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