Online Lead Generation Strategies: Free vs. Paid – Where Should You Start? – Global Ad Success

Online Lead Generation Strategies: Free vs. Paid – Where Should You Start?

People who are new to network marketing are often concerned about the same thing. They are usually torn between free and paid traffic strategies. In actuality, you have three options for lead generation:

  • Active prospecting – where you can reach out to people one-at-a-time;
  • Passive marketing – using more technologically advanced resources like social media, through blog posts and videos;
  • Paid Advertising – the more conventional advertising methods such as PPC and post engagement, as well as paid advertising on Facebook, YouTube, Google, etc.

So now comes the question:  Which is the best lead generation method for those who are just starting in network marketing?

The answer to this question is…


There are a lot of factors to consider before choosing the right strategy for you.

Stop for a minute and take a look at your current situation to determine which would be most suitable for you to adopt. Most people would say that paid advertising is the best since it can be grown, but if you don’t have the budget to invest in this method then it certainly can’t be the appropriate option for you – at least right now.

So then you would think, “Alright, I’ll use free marketing strategies.” Then again, those who have succeeded with this method possessed something that made things work for them. In fact, they might not even be aware that they had this.

What is it?

You need to have a set of special skills that people recognize. That way, you can gain their trust and following to do business with you.

Let’s have a quick discussion of the three options so you can have a better idea of what to choose:

Active Prospecting

This strategy is free. You simply reach out to people directly either via emails, chat messages, phone calls, in person, etc. This is a good option if you want to get quick results. But it limits your ability to reach out to a large number of people because of obvious reasons. It takes time, the right mindset, and communication skills in order to build a strong relationship with people.

Passive Marketing

The best way to perform passive marketing nowadays is through social media platforms. Experts suggest that you do at least one daily Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Instagram post, or any other method to broadcast and share valuable information online.

It’s free in a sense because you can simply record yourself with a click of the button. But you can promote it using social media platforms too for a specific fee. This is considered a passive method as you only do broadcasts to establish your presence online. You want to make yourself visible as much as you can so that people will become familiar with who you are and what you do.

This option gives you an opportunity to reach out to more people as compared to active prospecting. But you need to have a core competency to succeed with this strategy. You must focus on a specific skill or knowledge and become an expert so that people will believe in you.

The huge advantage with passive marketing, especially blogs and videos, is that these continue to work for you forever.  This content builds trust and develops leads on an ongoing basis.

For example, we have blogs and videos that we produced back in 2016-17 that still produce leads for us today. Imagine having 5, then 10, then 50, then 100 or more pieces of branded content working for you.

As an example, we have over 250 blog posts and 1000 videos working for us, developed over the past four years.  It seemed small and insignificant in the beginning.  Now it has become a business-building machine!

So this should be part of everyone’s longer-term strategy, but don’t delay in starting…

Paid Advertising

The fastest way to get immediate results is through paid advertising. It can help you make a profit quickly and give you the experience to gain the core competency you are looking for.

One of the most effective ways to do this is through Elite Marketing Pro (EMP). You can simply invest in advertising and promote EMP or your primary program, or both.

But, if you want big bucks, you can make an effort to maximize network marketing online.

As time passes, you will learn a ton of skills with EMP. Choose the one you want to focus on and develop that skill.

Once you are experienced and knowledgeable about that skill, you can then make videos, blog posts, or broadcast live feeds to engage people through social media. EMP will give you a detailed process of how to get leads and sales within the first two weeks.

Now that we discussed the three traffic generation methods available, you need to evaluate yourself.

If you don’t have any budget at all for advertising, start with active prospecting. Slowly build your business and once you’re ready, you can consider using the other methods. If you possess a core competency, you can use passive marketing.

Start to build those passive marketing assets also, so they equip you with a steady source of business and value.

Project yourself as an expert in a specific field and deliver value to your audience to entice them to join your business. If you can spare some money on advertising, go for paid advertising. You can spend as little as $10 a day on advertising and lead generation but still get great results. However, why should you limit yourself to one method? You can combine all three and become a lead generation monster for maximum profit.

We’ll discuss more in this video.

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