7 Steps to Become an Extraordinary Entrepreneur – Global Ad Success

7 Steps to Become an Extraordinary Entrepreneur

There are many entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs worldwide, but not all of them will become stellar like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet. Some may never even reach the $1 million mark, but there will be an exceptional few who will excel in their ventures and make a mark in the industry or niche they choose to be in.

This is because there are two types of entrepreneurs – average and extraordinary.  Average entrepreneurs are still successful per se. These are entrepreneurs who have a stable stream of profits from their business, but are considered average because they are not willing to push the limits.

Extraordinary entrepreneurs are those that are making considerable profits already – but are still hungry for more. These types of entrepreneurs are worth emulating (though it would not be easy), starting with the 7 steps below:

1. Decide to be extraordinary.

It might sound cliche, but the very first step towards becoming an extraordinary entrepreneur is to decide that you will become one yourself. Making firm decisions to become extraordinary may not directly translate to something, but it signifies your commitment to do more and push the limits in the name of a business.

2. You have to love making (more) money.

Some people have a negative notion of ‘loving money’ or aspiring to have more money because it is seen as a sign of greed. If you stick to this kind of attitude, then you’ll never be an extraordinary entrepreneur. To push the limits, you have to feel positive about making more money – and you should really want it.

Extraordinary entrepreneurs have an obsession not just with growing money – but also in career growth, personal achievements, and abundance. Loving these things does not mean that you’re selfish or greedy, because the success you get will eventually benefit you and your loved ones.

3. Be confident with selling/promoting.

To be an extraordinary entrepreneur, you don’t have to be overly aggressive or pushy like the average car salesman. Selling your product is the only way to grow your business, and you have to be positive about it. You don’t have to over promise, as long as you know that your product/service can provide value, then people would not mind buying your product.

4. Believe in your product.

To gain confidence in selling and promoting, it is a must that you believe in your product (or service) first. If you are truly confident of the value proposition of your product (or service), you won’t be having a hard time marketing, promoting and selling it to people. You have to know what sets your products and services apart, what’s in it for them, why they should choose yours over many other similar items in the market, how it is better in quality, etc.

5. Be competitive and competent enough in what you do.

To be an extraordinary entrepreneur, you have to constantly improve and reassess yourself. If your expertise and credibility are questionable, customers will have a hard time trusting you and your products. And not only will the customers but your business partners and investors alike will be hesitant to work with you if your knowledge and reputation are questionable.

If you can show that you know what your business is all about, you understand the market quite well and that you are also open to new suggestions and options, then that will be a merit to your business. To expand your knowledge, you have to read more. You can start by subscribing to business news such as Forbes and Fortune or reading informative business articles and blogs like this.

6. Constantly learn new strategies in marketing.

Marketing is constantly changing and evolving because of advancements in technology (especially with the Internet). There are however basics which can be learned from books such as “Scientific Advertising” (Claude Hopkins) and “Tested Advertising Methods” (John Caples).

Best practice indicates that at least 1 hour should be dedicated each day to study marketing. This is because there are always new ways and techniques to be better at every strategy. Take Email Marketing for example – you have to write different subject lines and come up with functional designs that make them more catchy and interesting to smartphone users.

7. Don’t be afraid of risks and possible failure.

If you are uncomfortable with taking risks, then it is almost impossible to become an extraordinary entrepreneur. Taking risks is what extraordinary entrepreneurs do every day, because if they don’t, then there’s no telling if they could ever push the limits or not. Taking risks is better than not doing anything at all.

You have to keep in mind that failure is inevitable because many aspects of the business could go wrong anytime. You could launch a pay-per-click marketing strategy that would not work or prove too costly because there are more clicks than sales. But these are okay, always remember that failure is temporary. It is a bumpy ride, but you will always get the chance to do it better the next time.

There is still however an eighth step towards becoming an extraordinary entrepreneur – and that is to make taking action a habit. Taking action should not be a one-time thing, it has to be a habit. Remember, success is not overnight – it is possible because of a collection of good traits and habits that are done day in and out.

Anyone can learn via online courses, business seminars, workshops, coaching sessions, and even Facebook videos, but not all have the tenacity to transform their knowledge into step by step plans and action. Transformation of knowledge into plans and actions are the defining habit of most extraordinary entrepreneurs – and you can be one by adopting such a habit too.

Check out this video and learn how successful entrepreneurs think.

You should also sign up for our FREE 10-day Online Recruiting Bootcamp and learn how you can attract high-quality prospects to your business. 

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