5 Tips to Absolutely Crush It Using Social Media to Grow Your Network Marketing Business – Global Ad Success

5 Tips to Absolutely Crush It Using Social Media to Grow Your Network Marketing Business

Many new-age entrepreneurs have struck gold because of the power of the Internet. One of those is Gary Vaynerchuk. At a young age, he started a Lemonade business and franchised it all around his neighborhood – collecting fees around the area using his bike. Later on, he started selling Baseball cards and earned a couple of thousand dollars during weekends.

Unfortunately, he had to stop his early entrepreneurial ventures because his dad asked him to work in the family liquor store – earning only 2 bucks per hour. This is what he did all throughout high school and college until he realized that most of their customers collect wine like how some people collect Baseball cards.

At first, Gary tried to read and learn from any material and business magazine he could get his hands on – then the Internet happened. In 1997, he finally persuaded his dad to create an online retail site for their Wine Library.

Using traditional advertising methods, the website was a success. From $3 million, their business earns $60 million in annual sales – marking it as an international leader in the Wine industry. Gary also started a vlog on YouTube (when the site was first launched) called WineLibrary, and of course, it was another hit.

Today, many other entrepreneurs have followed what Gary did. Starting a website, marketing on Social Media and YouTube may just seem like the basics, but it can revolutionize the business. To be successful like Gary, you have to remember the following:

1. Stop being hard on yourself.

As an entrepreneur, you are most likely more driven and passionate compared to most people – and this is both a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing because these are the qualities that can help you push the limits and achieve your goals. However, it is also a curse because when things don’t go as planned, you are most likely going to beat yourself up.

Beating yourself up is normal, especially during your first few tastes of failure. Gary did it himself during his early vlogging days. But the thing is when you spend too much time being hard on yourself, you are actually wasting precious time. The time that could have been used to reassess, realign and rethink your strategies.

So when things don’t go exactly your way, don’t spend too much time wallowing. Get up, laugh it off, remember how far you have come, and reassess the situation.

2. Follow up with more posture.

When you are in the network marketing business, building relationships with your prospects and leads are always the top priority. After the first contact, what do you do? Whether you got a “yes” or “no,” you should still do a follow-up.

This does not mean that you have to constantly flood their chat boxes or news feed to recruit them again for your business – it is enough to ask them how they are doing, what they are up to, and how’s life going on for them. Just do a little chit-chat and don’t focus too much on business.

Every month, you have to make a list of people that are worth following up. You can talk business a little bit, but this should be more about building a good rapport and strengthening relationships. Now if people answer you with a rather negative tone – such as asking if you’re doing yet another pyramid scheme, then be strong enough to tick them off as a prospect. You don’t need such kinds of people on your team.

3. Be the person you want to attract.

This requires honesty. You have to relate to everyone’s problem and offer a solution to it. You have to reveal your own techniques, discoveries and share it with people who are also facing a similar problem. You have to build up your credibility and become the kind of person that you wanted to attract.

4. Raise curiosity.

Don’t do what other network marketers do – such as revealing what company they worked for, how much dollars they earned week after week, and basically saying “join me” or “buy now” on their feed.

This turns off many prospects, and the moment they resort to Google without personally asking you about your company, you already lost the game. There’s simply too much negative feedback on the Internet, that your company could be immediately shot down even before you introduce yourself.

So learn to be discreet. Cut off the swag and “humble-brag posts.” Don’t even reveal your company/organization name – leave a little something that your prospects would wonder about. Seek real connections first, before talking about recruiting and doing business with others.

5. Always adapt to new technology.

Networking is much easier now because of technology. Unlike in the old days where you have to go out, meet people and do a lot of talking, all that can now be done at the comfort of your home because communication is now easier with phones and Social Media. All you have to do is use them to your advantage. Don’t stick to just one platform, use multiple ones to widen your reach.

Now the only thing left to do is stop procrastinating and start reaching out to more prospects and leads. Just talk to people every day (just start with 1 or 2 each day) – and start with people from your close circle such as friends, family members, colleagues, classmates and schoolmates back in your day. If you manage to do this every day, you can build a big list for follow-ups and conversions in no time.

Want to know more about maximizing social media to grow your network marketing business? Sign up for our FREE training called Social Retail and Enrollment Blueprint.

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