5 Secrets of Successful Video Marketing Campaigns – Global Ad Success

5 Secrets of Successful Video Marketing Campaigns

Many digital marketers try to make their video campaigns viral – which is a no-no. Becoming viral should not just be the aim of your video marketing campaigns. You need viewers, sure – but you want to get the right audience and not just random views which can only earn you shares but not actual conversions.

Social Media platforms and video-sharing sites may bombard us with impressive video statistics. Of course, they will also tell us that the increased views have helped businesses boom and move forward. 

For example, YouTube claims that 1,200% more shares are generated by their videos than just photos and texts. While this could be true, it does not always guarantee that your videos will convert well on their platform. To launch a successful video marketing campaign, you have to remember the 5 secrets below:

Focus on the story, not on the selling point.

Lots of marketing videos on the Internet are very product-centric. Worse, some of them tend to be very pushy – making the ad both annoying and ineffective. This practice turns off most customers and you don’t want your brand to leave people with the wrong impression, right? 

Video marketing plays the same rules as to content marketing. Instead of focusing on the product and specs itself, you have to focus on the story and experience. Even on video, you have to connect with your audience on a personal level. 

Sure, your product may look cool and shiny, but how does that fit into your customer’s life? You have to put the focus on the story of the product – its origins, cultural significance (if any), and how it affects your customers’ day to day lives.

Make the first 10 seconds of your video interesting.

Like the rest of us, your viewers are more likely going to skip your ad when it plays on YouTube. Fortunately, viewers can only skip ads after 10 seconds of the video – this means that you still get some exposure. 

That also means that you have to make the most out of those first 10 seconds! Get right down to business – express the gist of your ad right away during the first 10 seconds to maximize brand exposure and convey product value. If you are successful, viewers might be curious enough to finish the whole ad.

Use humor.

Most of the stuff that goes viral on the Internet is funny videos and memes. That’s because people love to be entertained. You can easily catch the attention of other people through jokes and humor. Although most companies would do away with jokes (because it does not seem to fit a corporate setting), many can still pull it off successfully. 

You don’t have to constrain yourself just to be funny. It does not have to be crass or slapstick humor, you can come up with a light-hearted video that will leave viewers feeling happy and light after watching the ad. 

Optimize your video for SEO.

If you want your videos to be found easily on the Internet, you have to make sure that they are posted with the right keywords. Use relevant tags and add in a meaningful description of the video to “teach” search engines what your content is all about. 

Optimizing your video for SEO improves its ranking on search results, and makes it more prone to exposure as well. Remember to also enable your video for embedding so people can easily share it on their websites and other online platforms. Shares and links to your video are kind of an “upvote” that tells search engines that your video is relevant, high-quality, and meaningful for the audience.

Educate your customers through your videos.

Let’s face it, a good chunk of the population are not exactly avid readers. In fact, over 65% of people are visual learners – this means that they learn stuffy just by seeing or viewing some videos or visual content. 

So aside from merely selling or promoting your product, you must also take the opportunity to use your videos as an information campaign for your brand. Again, tell stories! Teach your customers how to use and care for your products, provide tips, get loyal customers involved, and showcase your knowledge about your niche. Add value and a sense of community with your audience, video marketing is not just for selling your products!

Get started by investing in webinars and workshops that can teach you how to create an effective video marketing campaign. You may also start by looking at other brands that have been successful in this endeavor. You might also want to check out YouTube videos by GoPro and Dollar Shave Club for starters.

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You should also check this video as we discuss how to best schedule YouTube videos for your affiliate marketing. 

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