5 Advantages of Being Small in Network Marketing – Global Ad Success

5 Advantages of Being Small in Network Marketing

When it comes to business, most of us think that companies who can afford to pay their employees’ high salaries, provide signing bonuses (or other extra compensation) and cut through stocks is a high-rolling, successful business. It is a dream that many small to medium-sized entrepreneurs aspire to achieve, sometimes forgetting that being a small player actually has its own advantages.

In Keith Cunningham’s “The Road Less Stupid,” he emphasized some of the advantages that a small company has over established conglomerates. If you have read Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” Cunningham was the “rich dad” that became Kiyosaki’s mentor.

If you’re still a newbie in network marketing, you should know the following advantages of being a small-time entrepreneur. It’s best to savor and appreciate these advantages first before you eventually level up and transform into a bigger corporation.

1. You know what is happening on the ground.

Most of the time, big-time network marketers are too high up on their ivory tower that they forget about the daily struggles that the rest of the team is facing each day. Unlike in a small organization where you can personally manage and advise each member of your team about whatever challenges they are currently facing. Being a small network marketer gives you a clear picture of every little detail that happens in the market and your team’s performance on the ground – and that is a huge advantage against high-rolling marketers who only rely on graphs and charts to get their data.

2. You can still take huge risks.

Leaders of large network marketing groups have to be very careful when it comes to business decision making. One wrong decision can cause the whole organization to crumble, and it would be difficult to get back up.

The fear of failure keeps big network marketers from trying out new things, innovating, and venturing out into uncharted waters. There’s just too much pressure for these leaders to stay in a safer course to avoid scaring stakeholders and members.

In contrast to smaller network marketing leaders, there’s still so much room to explore and there’s still less pressure from the team. Failures are still scary, but the damage can be contained – and there’s still a huge chance to recover from a wrong move. Being small also means that you still have little to lose in case of a failure.

3. No one will be watching you.

Being small in network marketing also allows you to fly under the radar. No competitor will bother watching and observing you (just yet) because of your small influence. With little attention, you can quietly grow your social media presence, increase your followers and engagement without too much pressure. You can focus on the things that matter, rather than trying to outwit your competitors every now and then.

4. Mistakes are okay.

Again, being small means you also have little to lose. With little to lose, you can take huge risks, learn and adopt new strategies or even come up with your own! You can innovate, experiment and do trial and errors with any strategy until you stumble upon which works best. Even if you fail and lose what little you have, it is easy to start over again with all that you’ve learned along the way.

5. You can be more flexible.

Taking huge risks, making mistakes and failing – are words that most high-rolling network marketers wouldn’t want to hear. But for smaller network marketers, these aren’t bad at all. In fact, being flexible with business decisions and processes is seen as an opportunity for growth, expansion, and refinement.

Another thing to remember in network marketing is that change is constant. Most top earners tend to think that since they made it big, only their strategies and processes work best. And this is where they are wrong. As a network marketer, you should not forget that the market is constantly changing – trends, customer decision making, and engagement channels could vary and change from time to time. Therefore, it pays to be flexible and open to new things and strategies – for this is the only way to survive.

Check out this video and learn how you can attract more prospects to your business.

You should also sign up for our FREE 10-day online recruiting bootcamp to learn the most effective strategies in network marketing. 

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