3 Tiers of Digital Prospecting and Recruiting – Global Ad Success

3 Tiers of Digital Prospecting and Recruiting

If you have been in the network marketing game for a while, then you’d know how social media recruitment was all the rage in the past decade or so. However, like any industry, network marketers also need to evolve and adapt to changing market trends from time to time.

Many network marketers have become too comfortable with the strategies they’ve been using that it becomes hard for them to try and devise new ways to attract more leads and prospects. Many networkers adopt a “wait and see” attitude – they’d rather just follow methods and marketing strategies that worked successfully for others instead of taking the lead and develop their own ways to conquer the market.

Observing market trends and adopting tested and proven methods in the industry is not at all bad, but it hinders you from pushing the boundaries and finding greater success. Like technology itself, there is a need to constantly innovate marketing and networking strategies in able to connect better to target markets and consumers (and stay on top of the game).

Although social media recruitment could still work today to some degree, this is in fact, not enough if you truly want to build a successful online network marketing business. To lead the business, you need to incorporate new steps and strategies that can work well with this method.

The first thing, however, is to go back to the basics. You have to get your hands dirty and do a little traditional, low-tech prospecting. You probably already know the drill – do a couple of cold calls to individuals and business owners who might be interested in what you have to offer. You can also include friends and acquaintances that can be reached through your phone (or via meetings). When that’s over, you can proceed with the following steps:

Social Media Recruitment

In Social Media, you can do both warm and cold prospecting. Your Facebook friends are your “warm market” while the rest who you can still add as new friends/connections are your “cold market.”

You don’t have to do in-your-face networking or marketing on social media, for this rarely works for your cold market. What you can do is to attract them passively with engaging posts – starting with lifestyle posts, stories, and curiosity posts. This method is sometimes called “attraction marketing light.”

Digital Marketing

Now, this is the real attraction marketing. Unlike Social Media recruiting, Digital Marketing would involve a lot more online channels and social media platforms. Social Media is still included here, alongside email marketing and search engine optimization (if you like).

Your leads and followers don’t have to say yes to your primary opportunity. Even if they say no, you can still immerse them in your own page or channels where you can monetize them in other ways.

Digital Duplication

This method is done once you have built a large network already. You need to develop a standardized training for every member of your team. Different levels of training should be released to team members depending on rank and how long they have been in the network. The training should be uniform and standardized in a way that every prospect from different levels could see and hear the same thing.

Along these tiers, you also have to be on the lookout for market and consumer trends to help you innovate and create your own marketing strategies. Remember, no entrepreneur has become successful by just following what everyone else is doing – they became successful because they took the risk and became a trailblazer that revolutionized the market.

If you want to elevate your networking and marketing skills to a whole new level, you can sign up for a free online boot camp from Elite Marketing Pro. The resource is free, but the knowledge you get can help you get ahead in the industry.

Boost your prospecting strategy by signing up for our FREE 10-day Online Recruiting Bootcamp.

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