3 Simple Steps to Write Effective Facebook Ads that Attract Your Target Market – Global Ad Success

3 Simple Steps to Write Effective Facebook Ads that Attract Your Target Market

Successful advertising online entails attracting specific types of  prospects. These particular prospects are sometimes referred to as your “target market”. They will become leads and eventually (or hopefully) become customers.  Getting your target market to sign up or buy stuff from you would be impossible without them seeing and clicking your ads first.

Sure, you can always put up your own ads on Facebook and any other Social Media platform of choice – but the real challenge is how to lure your target market and actually make them click on your ads.

Converting leads into clicks, and then clicks into sales on Facebook is not that easy. Remember, you have to compete with other stuff on your prospect’s’ news feed – this includes funny cat videos, their friend’s juicy post updates and even ads from other networkers out there. To make this strategy a bit easier, below are three steps on how to write your Facebook ads more effectively

1.Understand the pains and struggles of your target market.

If you are targeting network marketers, for example, you would be familiar with the pains and struggles that each of them might have experienced since they decided to become one.

A major one is, of course, rejection. Rejection from prospects, friends and even family who are not interested in the type of network business they do. Aside from that, running out of leads, finding business partners, time constraints, being judged/avoided by people, and cold prospecting strangers, are also just some of the day to day struggles that a networker faces.

If you’re not familiar with the struggles that your target market is facing each day, try to do an immersion first. Observe them in public, on Social Media (check what they rant about), and try to put yourself in their shoes to really know what kind of struggle they try to overcome each day. Then create a list, jot down everything.

2. Know their desires and goals.

Every network marketer desires to have more prospects, enjoy a consistent but residual income, have more work flexibility/freedom and rank advancement in their respective organizations. In other words, they wish to become successful as a network marketer and be rewarded for it.

Knowing their desires, along with the pains and struggles of your target market will allow you to easily speak their language. If they get you, they are more likely to click on your ads and listen to what you have to say. It’s all about communication and the ability to relate well with your target market

3. Use words or phrases that your target market understands.

Last but not the least, you should use words and phrases that are easily understandable to your target market (and to the general consumer). Again, your prospects are most likely going to click on your ads if they understand your offer. Using jargon and deep business terms are not necessary – it may sound smart and professional, but at the end of the day, that won’t make you money.

If you’re targeting network marketers, terms such as downlines, up lines, recruiting, top earners, and prospects are very familiar to them. In fact, these may be even considered ‘buzzwords’ in the industry, and such can pique their interest real quick.

If you’re not sure what words and phrases are commonly used and understood by your target market on Facebook, do your homework and research about it first. It may sound like boring, clerical work, but it is the most cost-effective way to kickstart your Facebook marketing campaign.

It is also worth noting that the words and phrases you may use could differ depending on your specific target market. Simply targeting network marketers is too broad – you can narrow it down to different rank levels and prepare a different ad copy for each. Using the 3 steps above, you can formulate a simple headline that can be used as blog titles or Facebook Live videos. Just start with “how to” and follow it up by stating a desire and a promise to avoid a struggle.

For example, if you’re targeting a newbie, it will be more effective to say “How to establish a lucrative network business using Facebook” rather than saying “How to find more prospects without the risk of rejection.”

The latter is much more fitting for network marketers who are already months or years in the game – and are now struggling to get more prospects and leads than ever. The words used and the problem presented in the latter phrase aren’t that relatable to a newbie yet who are most likely still learning the ins and outs of the networking process. Your ads are most effective when they connect to your target market at a personal level.

You can learn more about writing effective Facebook Ads in this video.

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