3 Areas to Focus On When You’re a New Online Marketer – Global Ad Success

3 Areas to Focus On When You’re a New Online Marketer

Focus is one quality we need in order to achieve goals. Whether that be a business goal, academic or personal goal, it is impossible to achieve anything if we lack focus on the actual work and processes that have to be done. This holds true, especially in your business and career.

As a new online marketer, you might be rejoicing by now that you get to work at your own time and pace. However, this comes with a downside. It is easy to get distracted online, especially with Social Media, memes and funny cat videos that run aplenty on the Internet. It is also easy to get overwhelmed by the volume of work and get paralyzed instead of being productive with your time.

If you want to reach your weekly/monthly goals or targets, you need to keep focused on your tasks and strategies to remain efficient and productive as an online marketer. Sure, you might be overwhelmed and confused about where to begin, but we can help you sort that out! Basically, you have to reorganize and focus primarily on these 3 areas:

Your target market.

You might have heard how many businesses and entrepreneurs nowadays use the power of automating to capture leads, reply to customers/clients and maintain rapport. However, you cannot use automation if you don’t know how to communicate well with your market in the first place.

Before you even start thinking of automating or even posting on Social Media pages for that matter, you have to think about who your target market really is. Is it going to be the millennial generation? Baby boomers? Gen-Xers? Or people in a certain age bracket? Will they be mostly males or females? Professionals, students or self-employed individuals?

But aside from approaching it through a group profile, you can also come up with a profile that represents your “ideal customer.” Yes, a profile of an actual person that is really your target customer in mind. Give him/her a name, age, occupation, possible address, hobbies, favorite TV shows, movies, books, and places to go to.

Include their possible goals, dreams, and ambitions! That way, you’ll have an idea of what makes them tick, and then you can craft your message in a more interesting and meaningful way for them. The trick here is to really know what their desires are and tell your message in a way that can spark this desire into curiosity.

As an online networker, your goal is to grow your network right? And what you offer is an opportunity for flexible work plus a stable stream of income for members. So how can you effectively convince people to join you? You don’t just tell them what they can earn, you tell them what they can possibly do with that new stream of income. Like saying that they can finally buy that dream house, car, new gadget, or even pay off their student loans or go on to achieve their travel goals.

Your main offer (product/service/opportunity).

Again, this goes back to the art of crafting an effective marketing message. So let’s say you already know who your targets are, but you cannot really tell them anything convincing if you yourself aren’t sure of what your product or offer is. If you are confused, then your potential customers are likely going to be more confused.

Confusion will only prompt your leads to leave. That’s why it is important here to be very clear. Flesh out your offer and products (if any), then you can work on your messaging. Once your offers are clear, it will be easy for you to craft your marketing message. It will be more consistent, and it will speak as if it has one, clear voice.

It would also help if you can break down your offer into several packages that can cater to the different types of leads or customers you have. As an online networker, for example, you can offer a free e-book and coaching session for new leads.

These new leads can then buy a package that is basically a “starter pack” containing all the basic tools and guides that can get them started. By doing this, you can effectively craft a message for each step of the way – starting when they are simply targets, up to leads, up to client/customer or as a fellow networker.

Develop a daily task routine.

What will be your average workday like? As an online networker, you might be thinking that you get to have flexible hours and just work on your own time. That’s true, but if you fail to plan ahead and establish a daily task routine, there is a huge tendency for you to waste precious time and become unproductive.

So focus on how you can make your days more productive. For example, you can devote your mornings to lead generation (Social Media posting, email activities, blogging or PowerPoint creations), then allot afternoons to coaching and mentoring sessions. That way, you can efficiently capture leads and then nurture them day in and out.

If you have a day job, then the more important it is for you to stick to a routine task schedule. Let’s say you work from 9 to 5, how can you possibly become an effective networker in that situation? Well, you can always devote lead generation during lunch breaks – or you can plot your content ahead and schedule them for posting/sending during the weekends (you can accomplish this through Social Media management tools). One on one sessions can then be scheduled after office hours or on Saturdays.

The more specific your daily action plan is, the better. Remember, success is not possible overnight. It is, however, a result of a daily routine that builds up over time. To recap, this all boils down to vision, clarity, planning/direction and of course, implementation.

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